Best clean airpath vape?


Well-Known Member
Criteria for a safe "clean" airpath vape:

-Ability to clean it fully, from air intake to outlet.
-Airpath made of inert materials that are known to be safe (stainless steel, titanium, glass/quartz, ceramics)(certain gasket materials like fluorine I personally think are completely safe, and silicone (properly cured))

You undoubtedly have extensive experience with different vaporizers and their properties, so this isn't a shot at you specifically. The idea that S&B are "safe" because they passed a certification process in manufacturing is a widespread myth. They did it for money reasons to corner certain markets, not to make a safer device for you the user.

S&B thinks unanodized aluminum in the oven, either through dosing caps or materials, is okay.
S&B will happily sell a "medical" device that cannot be fully cleaned.

It's just a vape company, and not a particularly good or safe one

I think I’ve heard plenty of times that aluminum would ever be a problem only if heated way above cannabis vaporization temperature. My point is that if aluminum or any other material will ever be proven to be harmful, a medical manufacturer would be the first one to update their products. Established companies don’t like to be sued for such things, let alone medical ones (first rule, no harm).
I looked into the S&B medical cert awhile ago and it wasn't clear to me at the time what it actually offers. The standard referenced was a collection of other standards and different processes, and I didn't fully understand what it meant specifically for the Mighty Medic. I felt like they implemented some manufacturing steps and aligned to certain rules, but I don't know if that translates to safer vapor or if only the electronics and build meet some criteria. Not a bad thing, but I think it is more about functional operation than the end result.

I don't believe those standards were specifically created for building devices that heat plant materials... they are geared more towards EKG machines, monitors, etc. That said, I'd like to see less plastic and more glass or similar.
I don’t even bother looking into their certificates but what matters to me is that if ever anything go wrong, medical manufacturers would update their vapes in order not to get sued.

This is also a safe bet imho for a clean air path but it’s only available in Israel.

As I said above, I “feel safer”using a medical vaporizer or something (for me) close enough to it as a Venty, but as I said feeling safer is just a feeling.
But facts are facts, example: glass may be safe, inert and all but especially if used in conjunction with water as we like to do, it can attract bacteria and molds and become unsafe. I bet getting mold and bacteria on a collapsed/vacuumed Volcano bag is a lot harder, and that’s some genius design imho.
I can clean each and every relevant single part of my SB vapes that I can think of. Unless you mean being able to dismantle the vape completely or submerging it completely in ISO, electronics included.


Lesser-Known Lurker
If you're worried about mold, etc, you should probably be more concerned about the flower you're vaping. One of the potential downsides of dry herb vaping versus combustion is any mold isn't exposed to flame and destroyed.


Well-Known Member
My out-of-the-box choice is the Quartz Cap from Rouge Wax Works. If run without the optional screen, it's about as clean as one can ask for, nothing but quartz and glass. Another option I can vouch for is the Phase3 ZX, a zirconia bowl and head, very clean but requires a screen.


New Member
I keep getting asked in messages so it was the Healthy Rips Rogue 2. That's the vape that I had an issue with. I outlined earlier as to why. Whatever smell/taste is coming from it is by far the worst I've ever encountered. Using the dosing capsule and removing the silicone screen seems to help to a degree. But I would never recommend the device based on what I smelt/tasted. This thread has clearly shown plenty of better options exist.

If you're worried about mold, etc, you should probably be more concerned about the flower you're vaping. One of the potential downsides of dry herb vaping versus combustion is any mold isn't exposed to flame and destroyed.

Photonic, never thought of that but valid point

@WildSpruce - if you’re still looking for ideas and you can setup a vape spot inside or in a garage, then plug-ins are great. Check out the log vapes for smaller doses and ball vapes for larger usage. Mainly glass air path so seams clean to me. Plus near pure convection so high is better (subjective).
Definitely still looking, Rogue Wax Works seems to be what I am leaning on most. That seems to be a great at home option. Would also like a travel option, which may be the firewood 9. I will take a look at some of the plug-ins as I can for sure set up a spot. Thank you

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yeah for me the artisan scene is much more enjoyable, better vapor quality, power and flavor, versatility and peace of mind in my experience with simpler builds and more pure materials... less downsides I've seen.

Tinymight2, Firewood9, TetraP80, and BAKx are by far my favorites in these ways with minimal compromise imo they are top tier.

I have been disappointed with most other mass-produced type portables (especially session style) although the Tafee Bowle and Solo 3 are solid options in that regard (as budget vapes tend to have the most trade-offs too, though literally everything does, nothing is perfect for everyone of course) :tup:

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
If you're worried about mold, etc, you should probably be more concerned about the flower you're vaping. One of the potential downsides of dry herb vaping versus combustion is any mold isn't exposed to flame and destroyed.
Photonic, never thought of that but valid point

It's a little off topic but when you smoke a J, the cherry acts like a heater that vaporizes all the material that is not yet in contact with the fire. So you're definitely getting mold spores and material that are unburned.
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Well-Known Member
If you're worried about mold, etc, you should probably be more concerned about the flower you're vaping. One of the potential downsides of dry herb vaping versus combustion is any mold isn't exposed to flame and destroyed.
My point is also getting combustion out of the question once and for all. As much as it’s really fun messing with artisan vapes and heavy hitters they put you in a position where combustion is a possibility or much worse, a choice. “Riding the line” imho, is plain awful and the first step at going back to combustion. Other than risking the occasional combustion (which if you buy/learn to use many vaporizers may occur quite some times), my theory is that giving that extra roast keeps you hooked to harmful substances like benzene which get produced at those temperatures.
When I did this, I realized I got hooked to Vas and perpetually looking for the new-in-town, heavier, heavy hitter and dealing with monster tolerance. What if the best and cleaner air path: is NO AIR PATH!
I vaporize since 2012 and I think that gradually shifting to oral consumption is the best option. Choosing glass air paths is non scientific and not necessarily “healthy”per se. It’s just a fig leaf. Medical vaporizers are most probably my fig leaf too, but I like to say to myself they are my first step to getting bored of vaporizing and probably stop one day? I may relapse and buy a Tornado?
Someone said lungs were made to breathe just air?
Getting civilized may mean going beyond vaporization for some?
(Closing posts in “ataxian mode” is the new trend in FC posts for 2025). :peace::love::luv::rockon:
Fuck vaporization? If I fuck combustion and also vaporization, does it make me a double fucker? Proud to be.


Well-Known Member
Could look into the ZXL or ZXXL by phase 3, or the new Universal Baller from Terp Chasers. if an HR2 is not cutting it i doubt battery portables are for you, might also consider a tempest or some of the other portable ball vapes.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
This reminds me of back in 2012 when we argued about DVs stainless path vs thermovapes pure Zirconia cera. Davinci switched to Zirconia inserts back then. Interesting reads 12 years back pertaining to this same subject.:tup:
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