Well-Known Member
Criteria for a safe "clean" airpath vape:
-Ability to clean it fully, from air intake to outlet.
-Airpath made of inert materials that are known to be safe (stainless steel, titanium, glass/quartz, ceramics)(certain gasket materials like fluorine I personally think are completely safe, and silicone (properly cured))
You undoubtedly have extensive experience with different vaporizers and their properties, so this isn't a shot at you specifically. The idea that S&B are "safe" because they passed a certification process in manufacturing is a widespread myth. They did it for money reasons to corner certain markets, not to make a safer device for you the user.
S&B thinks unanodized aluminum in the oven, either through dosing caps or materials, is okay.
S&B will happily sell a "medical" device that cannot be fully cleaned.
It's just a vape company, and not a particularly good or safe one
I think I’ve heard plenty of times that aluminum would ever be a problem only if heated way above cannabis vaporization temperature. My point is that if aluminum or any other material will ever be proven to be harmful, a medical manufacturer would be the first one to update their products. Established companies don’t like to be sued for such things, let alone medical ones (first rule, no harm).
I don’t even bother looking into their certificates but what matters to me is that if ever anything go wrong, medical manufacturers would update their vapes in order not to get sued.I looked into the S&B medical cert awhile ago and it wasn't clear to me at the time what it actually offers. The standard referenced was a collection of other standards and different processes, and I didn't fully understand what it meant specifically for the Mighty Medic. I felt like they implemented some manufacturing steps and aligned to certain rules, but I don't know if that translates to safer vapor or if only the electronics and build meet some criteria. Not a bad thing, but I think it is more about functional operation than the end result.
I don't believe those standards were specifically created for building devices that heat plant materials... they are geared more towards EKG machines, monitors, etc. That said, I'd like to see less plastic and more glass or similar.
This is also a safe bet imho for a clean air path but it’s only available in Israel.

SyqeAir Medical Cannabis Inhaler| THC Inhaler for Metered Dosing
The world's only metered-dose medical cannabis Inhaler for reduction in pain intensity and improvement in sleep quality with minimum side effects, to improve the quality of life alongside the pain.
As I said above, I “feel safer”using a medical vaporizer or something (for me) close enough to it as a Venty, but as I said feeling safer is just a feeling.
But facts are facts, example: glass may be safe, inert and all but especially if used in conjunction with water as we like to do, it can attract bacteria and molds and become unsafe. I bet getting mold and bacteria on a collapsed/vacuumed Volcano bag is a lot harder, and that’s some genius design imho.
I can clean each and every relevant single part of my SB vapes that I can think of. Unless you mean being able to dismantle the vape completely or submerging it completely in ISO, electronics included.