Yep, I'm looking for a vaporizer that I can throw away after a week. See, I am going to Atlantis (from the US) next month. I need to bring meds (of course) but I don't want to bring ANYTHING home. Last time in Aruba we were chosen for a random bag search (I left everything behind, so it was cool) and I don't want to risk a MFLB or Pax being found if it happens again. Whenever I travel, I bring some meds in a baby powder container (checked) along with a brand new, glass pipe. At the end of the trip, I ditch the pipe and leave whatever meds I have leftover for the cleaning crew at the hotel 
So, now that I only vape, I really don't want to combust on vacation. At first I was thinking of buying a Pax and bringing it back after a thorough cleaning. I really don't want to risk it, however. I am thinking maybe a Ubie for like $20. Anyone have any experience with the Ubie? I know it gets mixed, and sometimes terrible reviews. Are there any others in this price range that I would be able to use, and not feel bad about leaving behind?
mod note- General Vaporization Discussion
Vapor related but not model specific- moved to Ask FC

So, now that I only vape, I really don't want to combust on vacation. At first I was thinking of buying a Pax and bringing it back after a thorough cleaning. I really don't want to risk it, however. I am thinking maybe a Ubie for like $20. Anyone have any experience with the Ubie? I know it gets mixed, and sometimes terrible reviews. Are there any others in this price range that I would be able to use, and not feel bad about leaving behind?
mod note- General Vaporization Discussion
Vapor related but not model specific- moved to Ask FC