Best 18650 batteries for boxmod


Gentleman Of Leisure
this is not really the right thread for this question, sorry. but I try anyway:

I got an istick pico 75w and a 18650GA that doesn't fit. Are there bigger and smaller 18650? Is my istick pico fake or do I need to concentrate the remainings of my brain?:hmm:
I would appreciate all help


Ok I found out it is a faulty fake unit. So it doesn't matter, that I got the wrong battery.

Three Samsung 30Q cells don't fit right in my bronze wismec because they're slightly fatter high capacity. I got some Sony VTC5A cells this week and they also don't fit but are slightly closer. Just for future reference. Both fit in my bottom door mods fine but the magnet side door leaves a crack of space.

I wanted to make sure whatever 18650s I got would work well in my Lil Bud and both do a fine job at that at least.
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