Beginner Vape


I’m looking for suggestions on a session vape. I have a dynavap already.

I want something portable, battery operated, session vape, budget not a concern but cheaper is better, easy WPA for bong, something that will last or doesn’t have known problems, and prefer something mass produced/easily available in the US, and easy maintenance.

This is my first vape besides the dynavap and there are a lot options and no matter where I look there seems to be good and bad about all of them.


Old & In the Way
Your parameters are reasonable but very broad, confounded by so many vapes on the market, makes for tough choosing.
These are the reasons so many of us have several - or many - vapes!

A Roffu is not expensive (full kit maybe $150 or so). Convection based, nice flavor, but can easily be used for session. Good cooling from standard mouthpiece; or optional glass mp/wpa.

A little less $, a nice easy conduction sesh vape is Starry 4 (of course there are others, I'm only speaking from my experience).

OG Mighty is a workhorse and a great sharing session vape. Foolproof, but not top level in flavor dept. (v.g., not great).

Many will say, you get what you pay for with a TinyMight. Expensive, first class.

Happy hunting.
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Well-Known Member
another vote for the OG mighty. I've had mine for 8 years with zero issues. easy to use, easy to clean, WPAs available, decent stealth factor. planet of the vapes frequently has 'lightly used' ones (people returned them after a week or two) for ~$260.


Big and Bouncy
I think the Arizer family of vapes make great session vapes as already mentioned. I like my Davinci IQ2 as my dedicated session vape. Pricy but worth it.

I also own an Airvape Legacy Pro and in session mode it's pretty awesome.

Roffu, Starry, Mighty... all good picks as well but depends on the budget and individual preferences.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Tossing in another recommendation for the roffu as it seems to hit all your needs. The factory wpa sucks, though, and they seem to have forgotten about making a proper one. That said, the new roffus are redesigned so that using a joda glass wpa won't harm it. That's what I would go with.

I think your needs are broad and attainable enough that a wide number of vapes will do you nicely, if you aren't overly nitpicky like I am.


Well-Known Member
I’m looking for suggestions on a session vape. I have a dynavap already.

I want something portable, battery operated, session vape, budget not a concern but cheaper is better, easy WPA for bong, something that will last or doesn’t have known problems, and prefer something mass produced/easily available in the US, and easy maintenance.

This is my first vape besides the dynavap and there are a lot options and no matter where I look there seems to be good and bad about all of them.
The word "session" gets used in so many ways it is starting to lose meaning. Any vape that needs preheating has a "session like" usage pattern even if it is 100% pure convection. What would your preferred experience be like? Tell us that and you will get great recommendations.

Someone really used to a Vapcap might find the Solo 2 a little too slow and "sippy", even though it is a well regarded session vape (and it's definitely a session vape). You might need something like a Crafty\Mighty\Venty to get the job done (depending on your tolerance). Vapes like the POTV One (Fury 2, Rogue, Lobo, etc) are great starter "session" vapes but don't hit anything like a Vapcap and might disappoint.


The word "session" gets used in so many ways it is starting to lose meaning. Any vape that needs preheating has a "session like" usage pattern even if it is 100% pure convection. What would your preferred experience be like? Tell us that and you will get great recommendations.

Someone really used to a Vapcap might find the Solo 2 a little too slow and "sippy", even though it is a well regarded session vape (and it's definitely a session vape). You might need something like a Crafty\Mighty\Venty to get the job done (depending on your tolerance). Vapes like the POTV One (Fury 2, Rogue, Lobo, etc) are great starter "session" vapes but don't hit anything like a Vapcap and might disappoint.
I would like to be able to sit down and finish a bowl over the course of a few minutes while the vape is ready to go during that few minutes.

I wouldn’t take a hit from the vape and leave it to come back later to finish. I would finish the bowl once started.

My tolerance is pretty low I usually have about 3-4 dynavap bowls over about 30 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
The Roffu sounds like it ticks all your boxes and would make a nice addition to your VapCap. All the above suggestions would be great (except the Mighty...only vape I ever sold, too much aluminium for me and just did not taste right, the Mighty+ may be better?).
I recommend getting the Lite version Roffu with the WPA, funnel, spare metal oven, and dosing caps. The metal oven and cap combo can turn the mainly convection-orientated Roffu into more of a conduction experience...a cheap way for a very different sesh with the one unit.
I mostly use my Roffu with the WPA on a j-hook at low temps (160c/320f-190c/375f) at home and up to 210c//410f with the caps when on the go.
The FC member code is 'BAKED' and will get you 20% off your entire cart (please do not add the discount to Honey etc as it will disappear).
More info and help/advice here,

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
The word "session" gets used in so many ways it is starting to lose meaning. Any vape that needs preheating has a "session like" usage pattern even if it is 100% pure convection.

While not necessarily dependent on convection or conduction, it's also not dependent on the preheat per se, but the way it heats, automatically extracting, session extraction, compared to on demand is the distinction, whether using conduction or convection, regardless of how quick it heats up as well really... It is your control over the extraction, creation of the vapor, that is the distinction between automatic session and manual on demand, in my experience :2c::tup:


Well-Known Member
Someone really used to a Vapcap might find the Solo 2 a little too slow and "sippy", even though it is a well regarded session vape (and it's definitely a session vape). You might need something like a Crafty\Mighty\Venty to get the job done (depending on your tolerance). Vapes like the POTV One (Fury 2, Rogue, Lobo, etc) are great starter "session" vapes but don't hit anything like a Vapcap and might disappoint.

Well said badbee


Well-Known Member
Well, since you're coming from a Dynavap, and there are several ways to use a Dynavap, my first question would be:

How do you inhale? Coming from the e-liquid-world, I use two terms to describe these options:

Mouth-to-lung is the cigarette style: You pull a bit of smoke vapor into your mouth and then open your mouth to inhale a bunch of fresh air with your smoke. On a Dynavap you would generally pretty much keep the airport closed to get best results.

Direct-to-lung is the bong style where you basically take your full inhale THROUGH the device and basically infuse the entire air volume with vapor. On a Dynavap, you would open the airport at least some of the time to get full airflow so you can eventually fill up your lungs through that small tube.

For mouth to lung, I would definitely be looking for good conduction vaporizers. I have the Davinci IQC and am happy with it. It does take some additional parts to use smaller doses in it but it works great for me. There are many more, research needed ;-)

For bong style big rips direct to where they need to go, you want a convection vaporizer or a hybrid. There are too many to list, you'll need to do some more research. I really like what in the US would be the POTV One for lighter sessions. Also use my Crafty+ a lot and just got my Venty today. Venty takes airflow to a whole new level. The Xmax V3 Pro I only use on a bong but like it there, although I mostly used the on demand mode then.

You see, it's not easy.


Well-Known Member
While not necessarily dependent on convection or conduction, it's also not dependent on the preheat per se, but the way it heats, automatically extracting, session extraction, compared to on demand is the distinction, whether using conduction or convection, regardless of how quick it heats up as well really... It is your control over the extraction, creation of the vapor, that is the distinction between automatic session and manual on demand, in my experience :2c::tup:
I felt that distinction was fairly clear and sharp a few years ago, but it's getting more blurry with some of the newer vapes. Your usage is mostly the old definition of session == conduction, but that doesn't seem like the most useful division between vapes anymore. Maybe it's just me...

There is also the question of what do you call the set of hits that fully finishes a load. I can't stop calling it a session... I do realize that's a "me" problem.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I felt that distinction was fairly clear and sharp a few years ago, but it's getting more blurry with some of the newer vapes. Your usage is mostly the old definition of session == conduction, but that doesn't seem like the most useful division between vapes anymore. Maybe it's just me...

Actually I explained that it does not have to do with conduction and it can be convection... Session, on demand, convection, conduction, instant, equilibrium... These are all different descriptor categories of other vapes, and each of these three can overlap with each other...

There is also the question of what do you call the set of hits that fully finishes a load. I can't stop calling it a session... I do realize that's a "me" problem.

Oh yeah I know what it's like to have personal problems with semantics believe me! Yeah anytime you are using in a given time frame that can be considered a session for you, I don't know about the hits to finish and extraction though, session feels too broad of a term to use for that?
Shit Snacks,


Well-Known Member
My tolerance is pretty low I usually have about 3-4 dynavap bowls over about 30 minutes.
The Vapcap is very efficient, I wouldn't call that a low tolerance, more medium (especially if you do it again in a couple of hours). That's why I mentioned the Solo 2 as being a good vape, but maybe not satisfying enough. It takes 5 - 10 minutes and maybe 12 or so hits to finish a load about double what's in a Vapcap. If you wanted 2 of those in 30 minutes you would be hitting the Solo for a good part of the half hour. Some people really like that pattern while watching a movie, for example.

A Venty (based on reports, I don't have one) would finish that same amount in 3-5 minutes and maybe 5-6 hits. That would work better for me as I like a ripper, not a sipper. My favorite is the TinyMight but that's a big (expensive) dive for your first battery vape.
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General Disaster

Of cabbages and Kings.
From my view, cannabis consumption is such a personal thing, both in effect and also preference. So many ways of taking it alone it's a pretty boggling choice. And that's just a small part of the equation.

I don't think it's possible to get a huge amount of help from others beyond giving options that may be unknown previously. Knowledge of course is power, if you choose to use it, recommendations can open doors to researching, but have to be taken carefully due to personal differences. I found in the end, personal experience was the bottom line for all these devices. One person's annoyance at setting up a device can be another's much treasured ritual. And so on. If you have anyone whom you can ask to try their vapes that helps. (Maybe that's one source of VAS?)

Most vapes seem to fall into a number of categories, and these categories have various pluses and minuses, depending on your own preferences and requirements. You can build those categories yourself according to what matters most to you - taste, effect, cost, speed, convection/conduction, whatever affects the aspects your interested in.
Maybe thinking on why you want another one, may help to focus on the parts that matter most (portability, ease of use, etc etc). What is the dynavap not giving you now? If it's strength, for instance, remember increasing tolerance will make the next stronger vape gradually reach the same point - is the new one able to adjust bowl size? (just for example), can it take a spare battery (if you want longer sessions later one)? And so on.

But in the end, I'd recommend trying a cheap but popular (in these hallowed annals) vape, one of the type that seems to tick most of your boxes.
But treat this as a research project, you may well not find it ideal, even though the type is what you're after. That first one will teach you what you personally care about most, show you where it fails your needs, and educate you in homing in on what will be your 'perfect' vape (as if there was such a thing! 😊).

There are some very decent but inexpensive vapes around, the popular one's will be more likely to be better, but more than that, will have suited more peoples needs, hence more likely to suit yours (statistically speaking at least) but better, there'll be loads of people of all sorts in the forums to help and advise on it, and info to read through before buying (what goes wrong, how good is after sales, spare parts, add-ons, etc). I strongly recommend against going top-end straightaway, unless your wallet/purse/pocket can afford to waste the money, as even a good vape of the wrong type will disappoint.

Finally, if you care, are you aware of your biases? Are you happy to let the form take preference over function? Have you considered the whole topic of making rational choices when you're an irrational human being? (as we all are by nature).

I'd suggest if you really want to be precise and accurate in your choice, get some paper and pen, and start writing down the things that matter to you regards the putative new vape.
Then you should be able to build a pro/con list of the good and bad things about the vape. Then, when you make a choice, you can ask yourself how well it actually fits that list, or how much you've been influenced by subconscious stimuli? (which is fine, but much better to know yourself, you'll likely make better decisions in general, but it's not as much fun as just letting your biases and prejudices choose for you! 😉).
General Disaster,
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