I believe BAMF, HGH and perhaps ErrlStar are the same person or group of people. If that's the case, does anyone know the difference between the brands - maybe BAMF is the higher end stuff?
I know they price their product pretty much the same, around here is $40.00 for 1/2 gram, and $80.00/gram.
As far as being the same person, I don't know.
BAMF is water extraction, HGH is shatter (butane?) and Errlstar is like clear.
At first I thought that was the case, but I recently purchased some BAMF BHO Shatter. HGH has some 'solventless' along with their shatter, the solventless looked like Clear or Errlstar - it didn't have that Clear smell to it - it smelled more like the strain.
not only that but searching the web I found a couple posts that said "BAMF, who is now going by HGH.." also two different dispensaries have told me they are the same person. If you go to the HGH website (hghextractions.com) it maps to errlstarr.com. I emailed each one but haven't heard anything, just curious...