Bad Head Aches


Well-Known Member
Anyone deal with bad head aches on here? I thought it was due to my vaping. Even after a break realized it wasn't. I've been having a them on and off for just under a week. Eyes get sore at times too. I realized if my wife gives me a real hard massage by the shoulder blades or at the top of my neck closes to my skull it shoots a pain to my head but then relieves the head ache. It's very odd. I'm not overly concerned because head aches are usually banine and a nuisance more than a sign of something more serious. I'm thinking maybe I need to go for massage therapy and get my back worked out. A few weeks ago laying flat hurt my lower back. Could feel a shooting pain. So I'm thinking maybe back related and not weed related. Anyone in the same boat?
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All I can tell you is that when I have a headache, which is not very often, I pop an ibuprofen and it's gone in 1/2 hour or so. I hate headaches.
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Go get a massage. I bet you would feel like a million bucks afterwords. I start standing straight again and gain a half inch every time I get a massage. Too bad I shrink back after a few weeks, otherwise I could be a professional basketball player... :)

Ask around and see if you have any friends who get massages regularly who could point you in the way of a good massage therapist. I actually get massages at a cannabis club myself. Really good, helps arthritis and the price is right. I sound like stepping on bubble wrap when I get them, but it feels so good.

Not sure if it would help your headaches but it is worth a try, being natural.


Well-Known Member
Either one is awesome! :D Usually I use low dose edibles at around 20 milligram of THC before going. Enough for a minor head change but not nearly enough to get lit and I have him play some reggae. Yah Mon! :p Tolerance levels vary so you would have to do some experimenting. Too much THC prior to a massage probably doesn't help if you get anxiety or paranoia from it and get your muscles too tight as a result. The more you trust the massage therapist the stronger you could go is my guess.

I love chocolate, cheese and caffeine. I believe caffeine helps for migraine. I don't get headaches very often myself. But I do find massages very helpful for non physical things as well such as self esteem, anxiety, and depression. I never know how hunched over I am until after I get out of the appointment.

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I don't get really bad headaches too much anymore but when I did the main thing that worked was a mixed pain killer (excedrine or vanquish). They are very unhealthy but I hate headaches and the combination of caffeine, Acetaminophen and aspirin worked.
I've been reading about the medical effects of different strains and notice that some reduce headaches and some increase them- I'm thinking trying a strain for headaches.
Also acupuncture helps sometimes.


Rexcornish on IG, Vaping since '02
Either one is awesome! :D Usually I use low dose edibles at around 20 milligram of THC before going. Enough for a minor head change but not nearly enough to get lit and I have him play some reggae. Yah Mon! :p Tolerance levels vary so you would have to do some experimenting. Too much THC prior to a massage probably doesn't help if you get anxiety or paranoia from it and get your muscles too tight as a result. The more you trust the massage therapist the stronger you could go is my guess.

I love chocolate, cheese and caffeine. I believe caffeine helps for migraine. I don't get headaches very often myself. But I do find massages very helpful for non physical things as well such as self esteem, anxiety, and depression. I never know how hunched over I am until after I get out of the appointment.

My gf gave up the 3 c's cos she would get a severe migrsine every 2 weeks or so. Then slowly reintroduced one c at a time. Turned out to be caffeine giving her the migraine. So many variables?


vapor accessory addict
I realized if my wife gives me a real hard massage by the shoulder blades or at the top of my neck closes to my skull it shoots a pain to my head but then relieves the head ache.
A few weeks ago laying flat hurt my lower back. Could feel a shooting pain.

From what you are describing, it's very possible that your headaches are being caused by a pinched nerve in your back.

I have a couple of injuries that have exacerbated the arthritis in my neck and cause me to get bad headaches; several whiplashes and a fall that caused a frozen shoulder. The pain tends to start at the base of my neck and radiates outward toward my shoulders and upward capping my head. When they are really severe, my eyes hurt too. The shoulder injury has also caused loss of feeling in my shoulder.

Reiki and traditional therapy massage, as well as physical therapy, have helped the most. It straightens me out and aligns my back. I've always been afraid of chiropractors, but many feel they help too. If you don't have severe back or joint issues, perhaps that would be an avenue you could look into.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies guys. I'm trying to switch up my pillows too. But cannot sleep with one pillow. I also read something about sinus head aches to. Could this be possible? Anyone experience that before? One day it felt like I had a loogie in my throat that wouldn't disappear. A few days later I had a head ache that was on and off for a week.


vapor accessory addict
Sinus headaches will usually present in the front of your face. There will be pressure in your face and head when you bend over. And there's often tenderness if you press on the areas of your face where your sinuses are. I don't think that would account for the back pain you had.


Well-Known Member
These could also be tension headaches related to posture and not moving much throughout the day, especially if you work at a computer or desk (do you?).

Suggestions: go to a neurologist for a workup, if you can. Have your wife feel around your back and shoulders to find knotted muscles - those are gonna be the issue (if they're tension headaches).

Other suggestions: massage, exercise (even just a vigorous power walk - you'll want to pump your arms to their fullest to give your pecs and upper back as much of a stretch as possible), moist heat pad (microwaveable ones are available on Amazon), physical therapy. Also, posture awareness and taking breaks to move and stretch while working.

Don't sleep on your stomach at all. Side sleeping can be okay, if your mattress is the right firmness and your pillow is thick enough. Sleeping on your back will be the best.

Stretch stretch stretch stretch.


Well-Known Member
Also consider getting a vision checkup if you haven't had one recently. I see plenty of headaches in the ER and one of the fairly common aggravating causes for headaches is poor visual health.
I have noticed that if combusting a certain strain gives a light headache, then vaping the same strain will certainly give you a headache. I would imagine it's because vapes don't burnoff certain things that combustion does?

Try out different strains be PICKY avoid sounding snobish at all costs.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to try different strains when you buy off your buddy who God knows what strain it really is.

Don't want to jinx it. But it seems to be slowly leaving me. But the sinus seems to be what it was.


for years i battled with severe migraines (extreme light/sound sensitivity, vomiting, etc) and after pharma was unable to help i did my own tests and determined: i must restrict caffeine to low levels per day (only in the morning), must drink at least 1-2 gallons of water per day (helps with kidney stones, ive had a few), stay away from specific foods/dishes that result in headache (im thinking food allergy here).

but ive also taken it a step further and get monthly massages (id go more often if i could). its important to find someone that works well for you, the massage experience can be quite personal and if the person who is working on you is not a good fit move on, many offer coupons (groupon, living social, etc) so you can test them out without spending too much...i went through 5 before settling on someone who is perfect for what i was wanting. the overall process is what id call a mental and physical reset, you let go completely and realign.


Well-Known Member
Head aches have not been bad at all for the last three days. The first week guys I thought I was dying. Now it's just pressure in my head, face, temples, and when I rub my upper neck in a certain way damn it helps. Doctor appointment for Monday. See what he says. Maybe I need physio or massage therapy. Included in my benefits. Mom thinks it's from my soeerater shoulder. But I never had any signs of this crap and that injury is over 10 years old haha.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm back from the doctor. Thought I would give an update. Allegedly I have TMJ. I found it odd. Jaw did not hurt when I woke up. But it sometimes hurt during the day and my ear this takes about 6 weeks to heal and I have some real big anti inflammatory pills I have to cut in half to take em. I also recieved a nice script for massage therapy as something is going on there I believe it's muscoloisis
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