Awful headaches :(


Well-Known Member
that's good clear means probably not an infection,

my da buddha will give me these headaches if i have sinus irriation, so it's not always the restrictive ones that cause pain.

have you tried sending vapor through water to cool it down?
If you get headaches with da buddha when your sinus's are irritated thats the problem I am having.I work outdoors mowing lawns so I get plenty of dust, pollen, grass, etc in my sinuses. Whenever I come home and get to vape/smoke my sinuses are irritated therefore causing headaches perhaps.


Well-Known Member
I had some head issues a few days back, but could be the epic wildfires going on out here, + the record setting drought impacting allergies and such. My cat's also more itchy than typical. Normally allergies would be no issue this late in the year.


well-worn member
I still have body aches, but my headaches have calmed down considerably since I fucked combustion.


Well-Known Member
never had headaches from vaping but there was a while when me or my wife could get skull crushing tooth aches from vaping, so severe nothing helped, this happened almost only while vaping.
it did however went away after a visit to the dentist.
When I'm feeling sick (headache, fever, ...) I never vape because I don't feel any of the effects.
tried high and low temps, nothing works, I just don't feel a thing then.


New Member
vaping puts an oil slick on your lung tissue
small amounts may be tolerated but hammering your vape will dry out the membranes (oil displaces water)
so drink lots of water and take small amounts of chewable vit c every other hour to keep the mucous flowing clear and thin especially when there is a viral infection
every time you can expectorate gently you are flushing out the germs
hopefully you can prevent a secondary bacterial infection from developing in the lungs
it is the inflammation from a prolonged or serious infection and the accompanying violent coughing spells that can permanently damage the alveoli resulting in copd
imho, smoking cigs is one of the worst things you can do to harm your lungs
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