Avocados: 5/$2 at my local farmer's market.


Well-Known Member
I recently started to incorporate avocados into my regular diet. They were on sale at the supermarket, 1/$1. I thought to myself, "A dollar each? Okay, that's reasonable." But, I soon noticed that they temporarily on sale, and would soon resume their normal price of 1/$2, a 100% price increase.

Today, I went to the local farmer's market to see if they sold any, and to see if they were cheaper. I could hardly believe what I discovered...5/$2. =D They're 5x cheaper! I'm so happy because avocados are delicious and are a great source of insoluble and soluble fiber, and healthy fats.

Please share your opinion about avocados.


They make great shakes. You guys try it before you knock it though! It really is delicious.


FYI eating too many avocados will make you gain a lot of weight. While it's a "good" fat, avocados are still very fatty and are very calorie rich. Basically, as with everything, don't overdo it.

Also avocados have seasons, so expect to pay a lot more when they are out of season unless you live in a place with year round warmth and humidity like Hawaii, southern Mexico or south east Asia.
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Well-Known Member
LOVE mah 'cados. From guac, to omelets, to bacon and avocado sandwiches, to salads, enchiladas, to burritos, etc etc etc.

Avocado's are really healthy, but they're loaded with calories. Probably more than any other fruit.
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Staff member
I have 4 Hass avocado trees in my yard that provide more avocados than I can give away. I personally don't care for avocados, but my co workers are always thankful when I bring a bag to work.

Local FCers, feel free to come by and take as many as you care to pick. ;)



Baked & Fried
I have an Avocado Tree out back too.. It is nice to not have plenty and not have to buy them. Not sure what kind I have but it seems to produce medium sized ones, and produce often throughout the year.
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Well-Known Member
I for one love me and avocado and honey sandwich! haha
If made on some organic fresh moist bread with delicious real raw honey it is delicious! :mmmm:

I spread honey all over the bread and then slice avocado in between!
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Oil Painter
I totally love avocados!

I fell in love with them, most especially, when I was a raw vegan. I loved them well as a veggie/vegan, but in the raw food world, avocados rock.

As a mostly Primal/Paleo eater, I love them a little less often, but yeah... avocado. With bacon. yum.
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