avb everclear


New Member
Ok I'm soaking 1/8 of avb in everclear and adding more as I vape ,I was thinking of hot water bath and cooking it down , this would work right


Well-Known Member
Your using 1/8 in how much everclear? I don't know what you mean by hot water bath, can you elaborate?


New Member
Sorry just snuff to cover it bout 1 1/2 shots worth ,I ment heat it to evaporate the alcohol


Well-Known Member
Still need a little more elaboration! Why try to evaporate the alcohol? Just to get less of a liquid to work with? And your trying to eat this, right?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I recently tried the same concept with some 100 proof vodka (In my state, that's all i could find legally) and 2.5g of ABV. I put it into my cheapest stove top pot, and heated it from LO to MED over 30 minutes, then strained that mixture. After that, I put it back on medium while i kept a VERY close eye on it. Once it was down to about a shot and a half, I was done. Hope this helps, it will work if you drink it but heating the alcohol VERY CAREFULLY while you have the ABV in it will really help extract all those goodies out of your ABV. Dont try to boil it down when the ABV is in it though, make sure you strain it first.

This will stink up your kitchen, so be warned. Also dose carefully.

Hope this helps!
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New Member
I had it sitting in everclear for 2 days now, should I let it sit few more days or u think I'll be good to heat it little bit and evap. The everclear

Or should I waitt few more days
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Well-Known Member
I didn't let it sit when I did my extraction because I heated it, THEN filtered it- the heating helps get everything out of your abv.

I would say heat it up, then strain it, then heat it again to reduce it down to the desired amount.. I'd go for about a shot.

EDIT: Be very careful! You want to heat it very slowly, and I mean very slowly. You might even be better off letting it evaporate naturally and just keeping an eye on it.
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Well-Known Member
Heating up everclear on the stove? Man, I'm too scared to even turn lights on because everclear is super flammable lol.

I used 190 proof everclear to make a tincture with my ABV to great success though I let my tincture sit for a month, shaking the jar twice a day. I used a 500 ml mason jar full of ABV - yeah, I'd saved it for many months - and just enough everclear to cover. Strained through cheese cloth after a month and the yield was around 1.5 cups.

Initial trials were a 1/4 ounce tincture with 1 3/4 ounces ginger ale. For the next 2 hours I hung on for dear life! This tincture also caused my sister in law to swear off edibles for ever lol.


Well-Known Member
The everclear has prob extracted most of the remaining actives at this point. Do you want to bake with it or just drink it?

If you just want to drink it, you're good to go right now. However unless you don't mind the grit of abv, I recommend filtering the mixture.

For baking, you'll want to filter out the abv and concentrate the mixture by evaporating the everclear. This will leave will a thick, dark, and very sticky substance known as hash oil.


Combustion free since '09
A month?? Holy moley! I've been doing Everclear/ABV stuff for a few years now and I've too had people swear off edibles after overdoing it on my goodies. You are extracting more than just goodies I think lol.

I only let it soak for a couple hours or so and then strain - no heat during extraction. I only heat the Everclear AFTER straining if I want to reduce it to use it in hard candy or other recipes. The alcohol extracts quite well and fairly quickly without heat.

Heating up everclear on the stove? Man, I'm too scared to even turn lights on because everclear is super flammable lol.

I used 190 proof everclear to make a tincture with my ABV to great success though I let my tincture sit for a month, shaking the jar twice a day. I used a 500 ml mason jar full of ABV - yeah, I'd saved it for many months - and just enough everclear to cover. Strained through cheese cloth after a month and the yield was around 1.5 cups.

Initial trials were a 1/4 ounce tincture with 1 3/4 ounces ginger ale. For the next 2 hours I hung on for dear life! This tincture also caused my sister in law to swear off edibles for ever lol.
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