Ok im going to write a damn essay for everyone hah, ok.
First of their are a few main traits that have been genetically engeneried into our food supply, and even downright scary gmo-experements. Okay, so their is a Company called monsanto, they invented many tings including DDt and Agent Orange, which were both advertised as being non-harmfull, DDt was actually advertised as good for you!! (
http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/ddt.jpg), Monsanto also invented a broad spectrum herbicide called glyphosate, you are probably more familier with Glyphosate in its branded bottle with the Round-Up label on it. In the 1990's Monsanto discovered that they could take a gene from a soil bacteria that was resistant to round-up and isolate the specific gene responsible for this resistance. Once the gene was isolated it was transfered into a soy seed which when grown is resistant to the applications of round-up .When Monsanto Genetically Engeners a seed they take out a patent on the seed, making the age old tradition of seed saving illegal. Farmers found guilty of saving Monsanto's seeds can face huge fines and even property forfeiture if monsanto can prove that the farmer has their seeds technology in his crops, even if he saved seeds from his own crop of seeds he purchased from monsanto durring the previous year. Non-Gmo farmers are constantly faced with the prospect of their crops genetic integrity being compromised by the introduction of a G.E. pollen, which would then leave the farmer open for a lawsuit by monsanto. Monsanto has used this corrupt system to monopolize the food supply of America and most of the world. Additionally once a farmer plants round-up ready crops they also need to spray large amounts of Round-up , which is bought from monsanto.
Not even mentioned above are the numerous human health effects associated with exposure to round-up which is a Carcinogen(something everyone on FC is constantly trying to avoid.)
In the early 2000's a san diego based company called Epycite created a Gmo Spermicide corn that causes infertility in a male who consumes even a small amount of this corn.
I could go on to tell of the problems with Bt- familly of gmos, but i feel i have made a strong enough point already, if anyone would like more information on the subject or would even like to buttheads on the subject with me feel free to contact me, and ill be happy to chat.
Edit 3 If you have faith in the F.D.A. protecting your health think again