Ok, got my unit, got it charged, messed with it and deflowered it, stuck some stuff in it.... Here are my thoughts. I don't have *too* much time or presence of mind at the moment but I have about a million thoughts of this atmos raw. Some pics below too. So, let me just list out everything I did in chronological order...
1. First thing I did was remove the spring.
2. Second thing I did was to trim and drop in a vapir NO2 screen. I didn't plan on combusting.
3. Ground up some star dawg, put some in the herb chamber. Heated for about 5 seconds, puffed. Got nothing. Disappointment sets in.
4. Heated another 5 seconds, puffed. Nothing, though I got a hint of flavor and wispy vapor, maybe. Still disappointed.
5. Took NO2 screen and pushed it way to the bottom. Put back on, heated for another 5 seconds, and continued to hold it the full 9 seconds. BAM - instant combustion. At this point I'm thinking the FC guys were right and I was stupid to think it would be different for me.
6. Took TWO no2 screens and sandwiched them together, then pushed it way to the bottom. Put back on, heat for 5 seconds, and started drawing like I would draw on the omicron. 4 second pulls, let go for 1 second, repeat. Got some wispy vapors and flavor this time.
7. Put the spring BACK in. Now it packs the herb tight and I'm guessing heat stays over it longer, because now I'm getting much more vapor-like vapor. AMAZING flavor, I was surprised. I was also VERY VERY happy that my earlier combustion did NOT affect this flavor.
8. Removed one NO2 screen, and pushed it to the bottom but not until it touches the heating element. Maybe 0.5-1mm above it. NOW IT IS PERFECT. Spring in, one NO2 screen towards the bottom but not touching, the element, seems to work best for vaping herb so far.
Stream of consciousness thought blotter:
- I *love* the soft rubber touch of the unit. Feels high end, and expensive. Great feel.
- Instant heat up time. Nice. I hated waiting on my arizer solo on cold starts.
- The rubberized mouthpiece *does* taste and taint flavor for the first 5-10 hits. Goes away quick.
- I suffer from allergic rhinitis, which is why I am SUCH a picky bastard for my vapes. If I get any sort of particulate in my throat, I cough, wheeze, rattle like an asthmatic.. terrible. The MFLB triggers this badly since I draw so close to the stuff. The DBV still lets some particulate in. Interestingly enough the arizer solo did not and I never coughed. Happily, the atmos RAW falls into this category - it does not trigger my allergic rhinitis and I believe the vapor quality (when NOT combusting), is up there with the best.
- Squirrel!!!
- I'm not blowing clouds like I thought I would be, but I have not yet tried wax/oils/hash yet. So far I am blowing out similar clouds to my PD, from similar bowl sizes. This atmos is actually starting to fall in as my portable, untethered log vape with no heat-up time.
- One thing I noticed is that the power button area gets really hot once the heating chamber is "up to temps" to start vaping and blowing wispy but passable clouds. Once it blows fuller vapor clouds, it gets *very* hot to the touch right above the power button. EDIT: Just wanted to comment on this more. By the time it is producing decent vapor, any part of the atmos above the power button is too hot to touch for extended periods. Perhaps I need to push the no2 screen lower...
- the power button rubber is super fragile - it bunches up and comes up off the body at times like a misbehaving carpet. I worry about its durability - twisting the heating chamber off seems to tug at the thin rubber skin a little more than it should.
- It does work with omi carts, and seems to work really well. I plan on using this mostly for herb though, and now that I've gotten it vaping (haven't combusted past the first time so far), I feel much better about my purchase. Maybe not $200 quality, but I would feel great about paying $100-120 for this unit.
- I love the omi/atmos interchangeability. The atmos RAW only comes with one battery, and unfortunately it just ran out of charge at 11:20pm (started using it off a full charge at ~9:30pm). But while it is charging, I am able to still continue testing the atmos heating chamber and such via the omicron battery.

- Trying some purple urkle-o now, I am feeling the indica body stone. I love the high temp indica body stones, so I tend to go for higher powered vapes like the volcano, arizer, or dbv which have adjustable temps to zap those higher CBDs. When I saw the atmos RAW, I saw that it can combust, so that was a double edged sword. I dont want to combust, but having the power to get there, and vape those nice CBDs on the way, is a big plus for me. Definitely feeling a nice body stone off the purple now but it's light - just a notch above the MFLB in terms of potency. I think playing with the button timing, positioning the no2 screens (maybe double layer, but touch the element, etc?), could milk quite a bit more potential out of this RAW.
Overall, it does produce vapor wisps for me comparable to the PD or a light MFLB draw. However, it takes quite a bit of work to get there (pulsing the button, 4-5 seconds on, 1 second off, etc). Would I recommend this to an average vaporist or smoker? Nope. Only because I would not expect them to do the reading, research, no2 screen trimming and positiing work, all to get PD-levels of vapor.
This is only my first hour with this, so my technique may improve and things may change quite a bit... I haven't written this thing completley off yet and I already prefer it to my MFLB for light clouds.
Pics of my ABV coming..
My first attempt. Could not get many clouds at all, ABV is still green and untoasted. Fail.
Attempt 2 (fresh bowl, and bam, combusted with 1 NO2 screen pushed way to the bottom):
Attempt 3 (new bowl, spring on, no2 screen positioned slightly above element. you can see the slight golden brown toasting beginning - this bowl was pulled out after 2-3 hits):
The ceramic filter after the first combustion:
Hybrid Theory:
Anyhow, ask any questions you may, I will be up a little longer tonight. Overall, my personal verdict is that this is ONLY for the vaporist who does not mind tinkering, DIY'ing, and paying $200 for a half-tested product that isn't quite ready for the masses. Takes a lot of effort, but maybe this will change after a few days of use (most of my vapes after 1 week of use hit much better due to me getting to know its characteristics better). FC did not do me wrong - the atmos RAW is pretty much exactly what I expected after reading the FC posts here - a half finished e-pipe that with some work, can be converted to a reasonable portable vaporizer.
EDIT: FUCK combustion!! I combusted a second time - this time with two NO2 screens, pushed way to the bottom touching the element, with the spring in. Now I've removed the spring, and did a triple NO2 screen sandwich sitting right on top of the element. So far no combustion and this time I am actually trying to get it to combust. Batt died though, so using it on the omicron battery. Not sure if power levels are different? They seem to work well, it is producing decent vapor clouds (in between the PD and MFLB fast draw i would say). I did put a small layer of bubble hash at the bottom of the bed, perhaps that is staving the combustion off too..
I'll tell you this though, if stealth is anywhere on your list this device is NOT it. The moment vaporization turns to combustion happens so instantly in this unit, by the time you realize it, it is too late and you'e blowing out huge SMOKE clouds that can stink up a room real good... all you secret closet tokers, beware!!
EDIT2: Ok, wow. Bubble hash works extremely well here. Very well, just as well as the arizer solo with bubble hash. I am almost tempted to say forget flowers and vape nothing but bubble hash in here... hmmmmmmm. If I still had the arizer solo, for flowers I would pick that over the atmos RAW in its current condition 10/10 times. No contest. With bubble hash in the mix, the lead narrows quite a bit. I imagine wax will be even more incredible in the atmos RAW, I almost wonder if I should treat this unit as a pure wax/oil unit like the thermovape revolution, instead of a herb consumer?