ctk2011 said:
For someone with only 3 posts, it seems like all 3 of your posts are simply long rants about the TV and their warranty. Do you have an ulterior motive here or something?
So far I have yet to see an actual picture of an AtmosRaw in action, I'll hold my judgement until after the reports roll in.
I know you are new to vaporizing, and I urge you to stick with it. On the topics of Warranty though, let me just say this. My main vaporizer (VHW), and keep in mind I am a medical daily user, only came with a 90 warranty on its "heater core" ... and it has kept up with me every day, for over a year. It was well north of $200 - and if I used your method to determine if it was a good vaporizer, I would have missed out on what turned out to be the best vaporizer for me.
So stick around, watch the posts and see what comes in review wise; I don't see what good these long rants about the TV are accomplishing ...
1. no hidden agenda here, I am like I said someone new to vaping , but also someone who wants to insure when i lay out bucks in the 200 range for ANY product , I absorb all I can to make what I consider an informed decision. I have NO vested interest or connection to anyone related to any products. period.
2. point taken on your experience with a past purchase with short warranty. some things may last, some may not. and yes some 90 day warrantied items are just fine, in my eyes still does not make it right. But, as a "consumer" in our day and age i have to look at how long something is guaranteed to work with out your having to pay "upkeep" potentially after only 90 days when similar products have much better guarantee's to YOU the CONSUMER.
bottom line is plain and simple, any company no matter what they sell be it, bongs, baby beds, butcher blocks, Televisons, turntables or tuners.
* if their warranty is 90 days , that warranty is in place for the company selling the product. Period, cut and dry it is NOT for the consumer in any way shape or form, but it is instead only about protecting their bottom line profits of a fiscal year.
* if their warranty is more than 90 days, most often u see following 90 day warranty 1 yr , 2 yr, 3 yr, etc. etc.... there is a LOT more that can be read "into" it. a long warranty is given for what reasons? the number ONE reason in my eye's is for the customers to feel assured they wont have to spend any more money for said product for as long as that warranty states. customer assurance is built with good warranty. long warranty is for the consumer first and foremost, but its also for the company that is in it for the long haul, very loyal followings are built around products with great warranty, zippo and craftsman come to mind. the company that offers longer warranty understand there will be claims filed under said warranty, so fiscal earnings wont be as great for them as as is for the 90 day warranty product as they have no claims after 90 days. and usually its determined that said products potential of failure rises sharply after 90 days.
That is how I see it, so again , no stupid fanboy agenda here mate, just a man of meager means trying to get the most for his purchasing dollars. so the reference to all the different products was for a clear reason, don't focus my feelings about thermovapes 90 day warranty as against the product, but the business means of it all. its about US as CONSUMERS gettting MORE for our dollars not less, regardless what you buying.
I feel the way the folks at TV have gone about things from a consumer standpoint is not good at all, remember zippo and craftsman and the loyalty, THAT loyalty was and still is built on their rock solid lifetime guarantee. but they (TV) have product out the box pushed as rock solid and will last forever, why look how many times we dropped it, dunked in in water after it had been in fire, we run it over with one tire on a flat surface, and my dog can fetch it. all this is done why ? I'll tell you why to build consumer confidence, and trust u me they are smart fellows a doctor and an engineer, and it worked to a tee for them, most everyone here gobbled it up, and lets not forget the "were tearing apart the competition" vid"which says what to you?" that built confidence too, and ALL American made, solid product. why am I talking about this u may wonder, all their initial efforts built interest and confidence in their new product ... Damn, I gotta have one that thing is cool and hits good and u can burn it, u can .....etc. only 90 day warranty you say? who cares right? its cool and everybody else is getting one.
I feel how I feel about warranties and feel my views are founded on facts as best "me wee mind" can understand things.

and why I it has bothered me so, is I came into right into my vape research after reading so much good stuff about the magic flight launch box (which the search for info is what initally led me to the FC forum) with its life time warranty, seen the TV via g00gle, seen the thread here for it and started seeing all the info I could about it, and one of the first info bits I get are their own vids , then the one other vid on utube at the time of, the fellow unboxing and using it. now after viewing their own vids only,
what did/ do any of u think the warranty would be for such a rock solid take the abuse and still work product? I (again MFLB was vape interesting me LIFETIME warranty) I was sorely disappointed to find that its warranty is effectively only 90 days, I honestly thought after seeing all the vids and getting excited it TOO would have a lifetime warranty. what a bummer, then i rewatched the vids and took into consideration how I would market a brand new to market product. and have been astounded that two highly educated "business men" with such a professional website and professional photos of product would , lets just say take the approach they did to push their product. hey man did u see the fire video, what vape is that? think thank thunk
and with that I wont be discussing my feelings about the the TV's 90 day warranty with anyone else on this forum, I have said my piece. and I hope some have taken in at least a bit of what I have said. WE as consumers can not effect change sitting on our hands, every product costing more that a Benjamin, in this day and age of folks with less available spending cash, should be covered by a consumer friendly warranty.90 days is not. if any feel the need for further discussion of this topic with me I ask that you do it via PM , as I wont address this openly, in this thread or the TV thread. I have given my views and reasoning as best I can and I don't bring up these points to have pissing contests with fanboys to get their jollies. but for consumers to THINK. warranty DOES matter.
so back to 1., I suppose I'm a liar after all, my "hidden agenda" in all this TV warranty stuff, is to hope some folks can see past the smoke and mirrors as consumers of what I consider high dollar products in a niche market, and be more mindful of the potential costs of the items they purchase over the life of the product, after the honeymoon is over, if I may be so bold.
if you have a solid , tough as nails, 100% American made product you are apparently quite proud of from all your video's, then back your product with a Good CONSUMER friendly warranty. take a look right here at the Atmos RAW's warranty. and based on warranty alone, there is NO ONE on this EARTH, if given a choice from the product maker, between a 3 year warranty or a 90 day warranty that would only choose 90 days, NO ONE! Now who is really MORE proud of their product and stand behind it, in this situation?
and "VS the competition" the Atmos RAW is the Thermopape's competiiton, both new products with their respective "new" tech in their products. along with the stealthvape, another recent entry.
oh and it appears from info over at gotvape.com something that may be of interest
Made in the USA Guarantee
All the raw materials, and every piece of the Atmos Raw Vaporizer Pre-Order is 100% sourced and manufactured in the United States, making this unit a fully American product!
pulled this info from
Your link text should make this button pressing and time more clear.
How to activate the AtmosRAW Vaporizer?
With your AtmosRAW ready for use, hold the power button down for two seconds to activate the heating element. With the power button still held down, place the rubber mouthpiece in your mouth and inhale lightly. Enjoy your experience! Your AtmosRAW vaporizer will automatically shut off after 9 seconds of continuous pressing down on the power button. Wait 3 seconds before activating again.
maybe so temps can't get to high to combustion point? maybe so the heater or battery don't get to hot?
I very much look forward to reading posts from those that have made the purchase of the Atmos RAW and their findings and thoughts on the product in use.
this is most interesting to me a vape noob trying to decide who will get my money. 2 products both new to market. I can't wait to see all the posting of BOTH products come in.
Stone__Man out
Edit to address others directing to me:
SF Giant said:
So when will we see some good usage videos for the Atmos-raw? and when can we see some actual pictures of the unit or hear more about the materials in the airpath? You sure seem to have the inside track here so i figured i'd just ask......
you are clearly not reading what I write, I have NO vapes period, yet u come off like I have the AR and love it dearly, dude, read and understand I am just a guy with no connnections to anyone looking to buy MY FIRST ever vape. videos yada yada, like I would know? ask the folks that have bought one, your just wanting to pick at me as I have a differing (and apparently unpopular) view about how to go about doing business and warranty length. it has to stem from the fact u have purchased the TV and Lord knows how folks LOVE to defend their purchase's , be they wise or foolhardy purchases. u see it every day with ANY kind of product. I have the "inside track" really ? really? lol dude u are too funny. I said, nor made, no such inference anywhere to having any particular knowledge. unless if u mean my saying I talked to them on the phone, well buddy there were 3 other folks I belive, before me that said they spoke to them as well. no inside track posts to them? I guess u rubbed a crystal ball that told you it was me out of the folks that talked with them have an inside line. pifff unreal dude
its quite easy and convenient to start taking shots at the guy who says things u don't like in a forum atmosphere, since u helped get the ball rolling I'm sure "the gang" will follow, I care not, I'm not a child but a grown man. if u or anyone else for that matter, wants to throw shit my way, why don't u do it via pm, one on one I'd be more that happy to tell you my feelings and thoughts, ... oh wait, what is the fun in such picking without "buds" to see the comments and join in.
and as far as the Woody question, about asking rep about disclaimers. no I did not, do you call reps and ask such things? if u do go for it dude , call atmos , call thermovape and tell us all what they say say to you, matter of fact call ANY maker of ANY product that is used for "illegal" stuff and they will tell you "one thing" but their necessary legal disclaimers I'm fairly confident "will tell u another thing"
matter of fact so everyone can know, the reason I called them was due to the fact that I seen references to 30 days, 1 year and 3 years on the warranty page, rather confusing to me so I called and asked about it. "and to the best of my understand of what I was told is, and lord knows I could be wrong" that the AR comes with a 3 year warranty, any failing part would be replaced within the 3 year warranty period, the customer is asked to pay 20$ for S+H and AFTER the 3 year warranty parts will be replaced at their individual cost's. and to be honest I was rather surprised when I was informed ALL parts are covered for 3 years. and another truth, the MFLB, the Thermovape and the AtmosRAW at this point are tops on my list to get my money. one lifetime, one 3 years, one 3 months, and it should be as no surprise , being my postings center around warranty, the MFLB is still on top , has a PROVEN track record, 2nd the AR and 3rd the TV, solely based on warranty. and again another truth if the TV had a better warranty it would be pushing up to top my list of where I am going to spend my vaping dollars, I have no intention to have 10 different vaps, money simply does not allow that. I am not Evil just a regular old Joe with limited funds " like lots of people now days" fuk if I were more wealthy I would not have said a thing about the TV warranty and just bought All the candidates , kept what I wanted and sold the rest. I dont' think folks that have money look at things as in depth as those that have less.
lets not try to make this about ME per say but more about this ISSUE'S about the products that people have. I'm damn sure not here to be anybodys whipping boy, any snide remarks directed toward me will simply NOT be addressed by me in open forum.
so let the impressions on the AR roll boys and lets hope u don't intend on doing anything "illegal " with it lol , that still makes me chuckle man lol
so would someone WITH AN INSIDE LINE ... PAAAAAA-LEzzzzzE share product info! lets see the youtube stars come out

, golly what a resource YT is for damn near anything u want to see and learn about. God bless the interwebs