I very much enjoyed both videos shared. thank you both
southernboy171 could easily answer the question about the bowl. As I'm not quite clear. and that is the bad thing, about when people posted "what we were told on the phone" it can get a bit distorted. the info I posted in orange a page of 2 back is from the rep, the bowl then , and still, I can't quite wrap my head around, the heated air HAS to be drawn through the bowl.
as far as combusting, I will assume the 9 second shut off, was put in place to help you NOT combust. simple logic should lead anyone to that end.
and if I can get to that point in 9 secs. , that is faster than similar products no? that makes me feel good, and when I'm really ripped and vaping it up with my friends, I don't have to worry about them fucking it up as the 9 sec run is all u get at one whack. and if the vids are any evidence it seems u can get PLENTY vapor in a very short time.
and speaking of partying with friends. someone ask about the battery. so I will give that same info from rep here
EDIT: As, promised, I just spoke to AR rep today and I can clear up, a few questions that were in my mind and i know minds of others.
1. the COMPLETE UNIT is covered for THREE Years. *including the heating chamber (SWEET)
2. the "bowl" is ceramic and I did recall correctly, the bowl is like a soup bowl , meaning no holes for your herbs to fall through to the heater. me likey dis
3. Charged battery should last 7 to 10 days, at @ 8 to 10 hits a day, or 70 to 80 hits on one charge. (double SWEET) *this is the type of battery life ALL portables should have.
4. it is a CONVECTION vape.
VaporNinja ^^^^^
I'm more excited now then ever before!
as warranty and usage per battery charge are BIG determining factors , and in these area's things are looking very good

MUCH MUCH better, than another vape I am considering buying,on both counts, by a country mile better!!! Now, we just have to hope the device works well. I really like that you can charge it by connecting battery to USB or wall outlet, as I have a USB solar charger that can now keep me vaping on extended camping trips. even has a light that will blink 5 times to tell you battery is needing charged.
please southerboy, if you would, take a close pic of the bowl and/or inform us of position of hole/holes, that air has got to be passing through, or it'd be like trying to suck a Wendy's frosty through a straw

how about bowl depth? I'm guessing 5/8" to 1 1/8" in depth, based on the length of that spring via me eagle eye
this is peculiar really, I have the same "want to like it" feelings I have for the TV, but as I've read, gathered, and analyzed, the AtmosRAW is more appealing to me at this point. why?
IT TROUNCES the TV in (claimed) battery life, (a shot of whiskey compared to a keg of beer comes to mind

) lets see do I want to charge my battery every week , or after every single bowl ? it's not even remotely close. a no brainer. Battery life and warranty are right up at the top of my list in what I consider very important in my purchase decision and to my intended use. builds consumer confidence that I am spending my money wisely, getting the most for my money. the AtmosRAW again has what I feel to be clearly better warranty. AtmosRAW every part covered for 3 years, the TV, all the parts that do nothing , lifetime warranty, and the "heater" for only 3 months. 3 years, 3 months? easy call on who tops that category as well, the AtmosRAW.
I as a consumer, considering the purchase of TWO brand new to market (HIGH DOLLAR to my wallet) vapes, feel much more confident in a maker who actually stands behind their product, as is evidenced by their CONSUMER FRIENDLY warranty, of 3 years. THIS is the kind of stuff that builds consumer confidence in me, 3 months does not.
I found this info in the technology section of site quite interesting :
Our patent pending AtmosRAW ceramic heating chamber is where all the magic happens. Through many trials, we proudly designed and created this heating chamber in-house. Equipped with a hand-made ceramic core, our heating chamber is unlike anything else in the world. It provides even heating of your herbs while containing the heat within the chamber.
interesting because its VERY similar to what the TV folks say about their "heater"
someone mentioned not seeing that the AR is made in the USA. now this is an odd one

and this is odd , cause I know I have read that info on their site, perhaps this info is in this "flip book" manual that was on their site, but I'll be damned if I can find it right now. perhaps they are now getting around to updating their site? I KNOW it was there and now its not. so something is going on, and it makes me wonder.
Stone__Man out