It's been great to read all the posts about exercising here, and so many bike riders! Much appreciated

. I should add my my latest feedback since it's been a while. I haven't been posting on FC much either, but I've been mountain bike riding a lot, as well as weekend vaping. This year has been the best yet for me so far on the bike; I went over 600 miles total this year nearly a week before the end of June (riding season started in late April here). We've had incredibly warm and dry weather this summer and it's been possible to ride pretty much every day. I'm now over 800 miles atm, with lots of challenging dirt single track, big climbs, features and technical riding. I'm in the best endurance shape I've ever been in now too. And I'm on track to do 50% more miles this riding season than I've ever done before. I've also so far avoided core muscle strains that have plagued me forever (old injuries). I've been riding so much that I put a new chain on this year over winter (plus cassette and chainrings) and it looks like I'll need to replace the chain again before the end of the riding year

My riding skills have similarly improved and are the best they've been in many ways. I've been riding rock gardens, trail features, intense climbs and long periods of uninterrupted riding. Things have been going great overall on the mountain bike. I did had my first proper crash of the year, but thankfully I used a tree to break my fall from going down a steep slope. Lol. So far so good, as I had 6 or 7 crashes last year for example.
Lately though, I've been bagged beyond belief (plus other things) and it appears I've been overtraining

; I should take some time off and recover. It's just so hard to stop... still, that seems to be the smart thing to do. Yesterday was my second day off in a row, and the first time that's happened in weeks and weeks.
I don't vape when I'm exercising on the mountain bike for the most part, because a number of the trails I ride are far too dangerous and demanding to combine with cannabis (excellent skills and reflexes required, with little-to-no room for error), plus I'm a microdoser taking regular breaks... so cannabis affects me strongly. I do enjoy vaping after exercise when I can.. and I love vaping after good Fri-Sun bike rides

. Can't wait to get out again!
Cheers and enjoy the exercise! And tip of the hat to all bike riders.
Have a great Friday.