Athlete Vaporists?


I just had a brain bender, I read this route imagining you running ... 50 miles - wow - most impressive!!! Etc. :rofl:

probably because all I have heard recently is things like Ellis Bland attempting a Double Bob Graham and a friend of a friend completing an Iron Man this weekend - 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and a 26.2 mile run... all in one go!!

Who are these people? :o


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

Can Marijuana Make You a Better Athlete?

Mr. Hesse met other runners and athletes who described having similar experiences with cannabis. That led him to write “Runner’s High,” scheduled to be published in September, which explores what he calls the “hidden culture” of cannabis use among recreational and elite athletes who routinely engage in stoned workouts.


Well-Known Member
Too bad the Olympics along with WADA have maintained that THC is such a performance enhancing drug
that it is banned. Caffeine is ok.
Pro athletes are very careful with our herb. The optics are culturally skewed, our role models can drink but no weed!
That wild American sprinter found out the hard way.


Well-Known Member
That fucking movie made me put curtains on my basement windows!
Kinda like Hitchcock and the shower scene, never had a relaxed shower
after that one. LOL
Never knew all of that tech. muscle recovery on weed stuff; just knew
what felt right to my physique. Confirmation is strangely satisfying.


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Being a NYT subscriber, here's my published comment on the article noted above:

"I've been a serious biker--road and mountain--for over fifty years--I'm in my mid-seventies. After work or on weekends/vacation I'd almost always take a toke or two, now a vape or two, before 50 minutes or more of exercise riding. During the winter I go through the same routine before using my stationary bike. Its just boring or not as much fun without the weed.

Last fall I got a new used eMtn electric bike to ride around the mountains where I live. Even after nearly half a century of biking, I was having more and more trouble getting up all the hills around here. OMG what fun! But the bike was almost frighteningly powerful at first. So all my rides last fall and this spring were undertaken straight, not stoned. I needed to become totally comfortable on the powerful machine, where a moments lack of attention could result in going off the road and hurting myself. Once the bike and I had a mind merge, I started taking that vape or two before my rides. As my new t-shirt says: "Never underestimate an old man on an ebike!" with a bit of THC coursing through his veins.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I get a kick out of these articles discussing the role cannabis can play when exercising because it corroborates my experience.

Not everyone reacts the same way and I'm grateful that about 10 to 15 minutes into the run I can feel the runner's high shaking hands with the buzz I got while warming up/stretching. That melded high ranges from euphoric, where running feels like floating, to a pain free, OMG! ain't this music great, I can do this forever, type of thing. After the workout I get high again and I believe it relaxes me so recovery is enhanced.

I also use cannabis and music to set the tone for strength training which causes me to push harder because I'm being driven by how well music and cannabis go together. It's hard to half step pushups with a good buzz and Eye Of The Tiger playing.

Is the above performance enhancing? IMO....not nearly enough to penalize an elite athlete.


Medicine Buddha
Being a NYT subscriber, here's my published comment on the article noted above:

"I've been a serious biker--road and mountain--for over fifty years--I'm in my mid-seventies. After work or on weekends/vacation I'd almost always take a toke or two, now a vape or two, before 50 minutes or more of exercise riding. During the winter I go through the same routine before using my stationary bike. Its just boring or not as much fun without the weed.

Last fall I got a new used eMtn electric bike to ride around the mountains where I live. Even after nearly half a century of biking, I was having more and more trouble getting up all the hills around here. OMG what fun! But the bike was almost frighteningly powerful at first. So all my rides last fall and this spring were undertaken straight, not stoned. I needed to become totally comfortable on the powerful machine, where a moments lack of attention could result in going off the road and hurting myself. Once the bike and I had a mind merge, I started taking that vape or two before my rides. As my new t-shirt says: "Never underestimate an old man on an ebike!" with a bit of THC coursing through his veins.
I love this comment because it clearly shows a respect for the speed and power of the motor vehicle you are riding.

An E-bike is essentially what mopeds are except theyre electric and not gas powered.

The way they are advertised and designed though causes a lot of people to think they should ride them like bikes and not motor vehicles.

Your abundance of caution is partly due to many years of knowing what 25mph can do when brought to an abrupt halt and partly due to your own safe practices.

Having that capacity at your fingertips, or with minimal pedaling on a heavier machine made you more cautious.

NYC had 7 fatalities in last September alone....

"Safety first, die last." - me


Tokin' Away Since 1968

There are two basic types of ebikes: those that are like bicycles with a power assist and those that are like electric mopeds with a throttle that also pedal. Mine is very bike like, no throttle and lighter than many other ebikes, but heavier, quicker up to speed, and slower to stop than a regular bike. I've been in a couple of ugly bicycle accidents and now I'm older and more fragile. I actually don't go much faster downhill or on the flats than when riding my regular bikes; I use the power to go up hills much more quickly and without burning my thigh muscles and to go further. I was also an urban bike commuter for some years, and learned to be courteous and careful on the Boston(reputed to be among the worst drivers in America, though I disagree, being a Boston boy and driver) roads.

I don't think I could continue to vape, being older and an ex cigarette smoker, if I didn't get a good aerobic workout four or five times a week, year-round. So I bike in part to keep vaping. And though I've biked probably thousands of times/days, often on the same favorite routes, vaping helps to keep it from becoming boring. Re: The Current Olympic Debate: Based on many years of experience, dope enhances my mental performance rather than making by muscles stronger.
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Well-Known Member
Weed and Olympic athletes is all about optics and being a role model.
Our culture still equates weed with the doper, loser mentality.
While watching the Tour de France, Sir Bradley Wiggins a former
cycling legend, is smoking a spliff while commenting on the race.
The studio commentators laughed and said that Wiggins was always sketchy.
So far this season, my best, most enjoyable solo ride was 2 hrs. of edible bliss.
It was my fastest and easiest ride to date.


Medicine Buddha
Weed and Olympic athletes is all about optics and being a role model.
Our culture still equates weed with the doper, loser mentality.
While watching the Tour de France, Sir Bradley Wiggins a former
cycling legend, is smoking a spliff while commenting on the race.
The studio commentators laughed and said that Wiggins was always sketchy.
So far this season, my best, most enjoyable solo ride was 2 hrs. of edible bliss.
It was my fastest and easiest ride to date.
I did my 50 mile training loop to the Rockaways today for the 7th time.

This was the first time I did not eat my usual edible since I've been slacking on making more. I Dyna-dabbed prior and hit my live resin cart twice at Coney Island, but that's it.

About halfway I think I started to feel the difference. At 3/4 of the trip I really hit a wall and even had some minor cramping.

I don't want to fall victim to confirmation bias too readily though. There were many other factors, 90+ degrees, high humidity, not great sleep and too much sugar for a couple days prior. Some of my other rides were similarly hot though....


Well-Known Member
It's been great to read all the posts about exercising here, and so many bike riders! Much appreciated :nod:. I should add my my latest feedback since it's been a while. I haven't been posting on FC much either, but I've been mountain bike riding a lot, as well as weekend vaping. This year has been the best yet for me so far on the bike; I went over 600 miles total this year nearly a week before the end of June (riding season started in late April here). We've had incredibly warm and dry weather this summer and it's been possible to ride pretty much every day. I'm now over 800 miles atm, with lots of challenging dirt single track, big climbs, features and technical riding. I'm in the best endurance shape I've ever been in now too. And I'm on track to do 50% more miles this riding season than I've ever done before. I've also so far avoided core muscle strains that have plagued me forever (old injuries). I've been riding so much that I put a new chain on this year over winter (plus cassette and chainrings) and it looks like I'll need to replace the chain again before the end of the riding year :mental:.

My riding skills have similarly improved and are the best they've been in many ways. I've been riding rock gardens, trail features, intense climbs and long periods of uninterrupted riding. Things have been going great overall on the mountain bike. I did had my first proper crash of the year, but thankfully I used a tree to break my fall from going down a steep slope. Lol. So far so good, as I had 6 or 7 crashes last year for example.

Lately though, I've been bagged beyond belief (plus other things) and it appears I've been overtraining :huh:; I should take some time off and recover. It's just so hard to stop... still, that seems to be the smart thing to do. Yesterday was my second day off in a row, and the first time that's happened in weeks and weeks.

I don't vape when I'm exercising on the mountain bike for the most part, because a number of the trails I ride are far too dangerous and demanding to combine with cannabis (excellent skills and reflexes required, with little-to-no room for error), plus I'm a microdoser taking regular breaks... so cannabis affects me strongly. I do enjoy vaping after exercise when I can.. and I love vaping after good Fri-Sun bike rides :tup:. Can't wait to get out again!

Cheers and enjoy the exercise! And tip of the hat to all bike riders.

Have a great Friday.

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
Hardcore Harry stuff!
You must be missing some exceptional scenery
with that level of concentration! LOL
Now is a great time to do some easy granny gear shit
and enjoy the benefits and downsides of all of your hard work.
You have inspired me to get back in the saddle.......... tomorrow?


Well-Known Member
Have a great weekend all and thx for all the thumbs up everyone... right back at you.

Hardcore Harry stuff!
You must be missing some exceptional scenery
with that level of concentration! LOL
Now is a great time to do some easy granny gear shit
and enjoy the benefits and downsides of all of your hard work.
You have inspired me to get back in the saddle.......... tomorrow?
Thx! Get on the bike again and enjoy 4 sure 👍. Keep posting your ride reports and experiences. It's really awesome you're getting out there and I really hope I can do the same at your age.

My focus is often away from the scenery when riding the hard core trails, but that's about half the ride or so, and the rest is more reasonable stuff generally. These trails begin less than a km from my house, so I've ridden them a lot (~20 yrs) and know them plus the scenery well. I do try to stop every day I'm out riding the bike, and take a picture of some nice scenery. Some days I get many pictures. I really like the rhythm & pace thing a number of us get when exercising over a longer period of time. And I get a good and consistent runners high off of these MTB rides... really enjoy that. The steepest craziest climbs on the hard core trails, I have to granny gear... and they still take 100% of my physical effort & commitment. Intense but fun.

There's lots of fun times every bike ride, each one unique/different and always an adventure. At times, I've had to drag my ass on to the bike... but I've never gotten out there and regretted it. It's definitely positive reinforcement. There's lots of inspiring stuff here from many, thx all and keep it up.

Highlighting MTB riding, here's a picture I recently saw from some years back. It's caused a lot of buzz for obvious reasons. And is unaltered (not faked in any way), enjoy.

Lots of great YouTube bike riding videos out there, here are a few wild recent ones for anyone interested. Not for the faint of heart fwiw...

:peace: :leaf:
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Highlighting MTB riding, here's a picture I recently saw from some years back. It's caused a lot of buzz for obvious reasons. And is unaltered (not faked in any way), enjoy.

This is amazing! 🤯

I went looking and found the accompanying video that removes all doubt that this is for real... ouch! 🇪🇸 Spain contains the word 'pain' and it was the closest emoticon match 🤷‍♀️

Which led me to this... :rofl: :wave:🚳

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Well-Known Member
In one of Jerry's POTV streams someone called Healthy Stoner commented "I just picked up some beautiful stinky weed from my local bike shop.... True story. Happy Thursday!"
Unless he scored from someone in the carpark, I assume it is a legal area and a clever bike shop owner has realised the synergy between herbs and cycling. Sign of things to come?
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
In one of Jerry's POTV streams someone called Healthy Stoner commented "I just picked up some beautiful stinky weed from my local bike shop.... True story. Happy Thursday!"
Unless he scored from someone in the carpark, I assume it is a legal area and a clever bike shop owner has realised the synergy between herbs and cycling. Sign of things to come?

Or, maybe they are in an unfriendly state and the shop, or someone at the shop, just realizes the money potential.

Hell, I used to live near a convenience store that would sell you a little brown paper bag containing a $20 rock, a glass-rose, and some brillo, for $25 if you knew who to ask for. And this was in a southern state in the US that has some of the most terribly unjust drug laws in the country.
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