What's your dosing look like?
I vape throughout the day and whenever possible I time my run to fit with my usual consumption schedule so I can enjoy the effects fresh but not take extra doses needlessly.
Typically I vape 0.7g every 1.5-2 hours, as needed and as time permits. I do my pre-run stretch and bathroom rituals, then vape, dress out and run. When I get home, I do a quick post-run stretch, shower, eat a large protein meal, and enjoy another 0.7g dose. After cooling down I have a longer, fuller post-run stretch if time permits.
When nothing interferes with my desired schedule, I usually wake up, have a moderate breakfast and morning vape, wait 1-1.5 hours to digest and wake up, then begin the above routine, with my second vape session coinciding with my run (after stretching and shitting this is usually ~2 hours after waking).
I think cannabis impact on performance will depend on the sport. I specifically like very long runs, and I don't run with music since I find that distracting, so I feel like cannabis helps me get into a sustained rhythm and focus on my stride. The herbalist in me wants to claim the cannabis is beneficial to my stretch as well, but whether this is real fact or state of mind is something I can't answer truthfully.
If I had to watch a fast-moving ball I'd probably cut it back to a much smaller dose, so that I barely get a head change and it only loosens me up.