Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Tomorrow is my marathon. I will carry everyone's spirit with me as I endure the distance, climbing, and heat.
You all rock!
You all rock!

I think "Vapist" sounds better
but I lose a measure of courage while doing jumps on my mountainbike
+1! How did this go?Tomorrow is my marathon. I will carry everyone's spirit with me as I endure the distance, climbing, and heat.
You all rock!![]()
+1! How did this go?
To be fair, 17miles is incredible and sounds steep! Ive only ever done a half and remember thinking that was only halfway what a full is a don't think I could ever do it!!
How are you feeling now?
Thanks for checking and sorry for my delayed reply.
In short, I didn't finish.
But I'm proud of my effort. In 94-degree heat, I ran 17.5 miles and climbed 5,300 ft in total elevation gain. It was brutal, but I succumbed to heat exhaustion and collapsed at that point. In the middle of nowhere on the mountain knowing there was little to no chance of assistance. I vomited all the liquids I'd consumed over the previous 5 hours and my core shut down. Heck, my legs were fine. I knew at that point my race was over. I was devastated. But choosing to stop was the right move.
I'm OCD when it comes to preparing, so I took my phone out of my hydration pack and dialed 911 (thank goodness I had a bit of cell service). I knew I was in bad shape but not critical, so I had them contact the park ranger (my knight in shining armor) to find me on the trails. I know the mountain pretty well and told him where I was.
In 20 minutes I heard his truck coming. When he saw me he gasped a bit but I gave the thumbs up and got up in his truck for the "ride of shame" down the mountain.
Second time in a row I failed to finish, but it's a brutal marathon and to even compete is satisfying to me. Will try again!
Cheers, everyone!
describing 17.5 miles, 5,300 ft in 94 degree weather is surely a solid effort by any broad definition. Sorry that didn't work out. Sounds like you made the right call though. Glad the only injury is a little wounded pride. Next year. Maybe?
Separately, I just missed by BQ time in Portland on Sunday. 3:35:45. 3:30 was my cutoff. Next year.
Thank you for the kind words and for asking. I feel great! I did an Olympic distance triathlon two weeks after the race and had one of my best bike splits ever. I'm taking a couple weeks off for rest and stretching and will get back at it shortly.
Ya know, I think it would be a great idea for FC to sponsor you on your next race. Wear an FC shirt or hat that we could design. Hell, I'd donate a few bucks for the sponsorship as long as you would post up some pics. This would almost be as much fun as a contest, eh. May want to contact Vtac on this.
Great idea! I'd foot the entire bill if I were lucky enough to get Vtac's approval and a kick-ass design from the FC crowd.
Been getting considerably vaped, getting on the exercise bike on 10 incline and gunning it like theres no tomorrow for a good 40 minutes! Legs are in agony every time but they keep getting more and more toned
Helps to listen to a radio talk show host / discussion for some reason, the conversation takes my mind off the pain. I find myself thinking 'Keep talking, keep talking, keeepppp tallkkkkiinnnggggg!' cos I need something to focus on lol
Oh man don't get me going! lol Props dude, Ben Greenfield is one of my go-to dudes, i also bought one of his awesome creative live courses.
Other podcasts I listen to regularly, all have to do with health/fitness/biohacking:
Yup. The submittals of the designs themselves along with the pick of the final design could be a contest in and of itself.
Good list I'll definitely have to subscribe to a few of theseWhen I first seen your username my first thought was of Bulletproof Radio.