At what age was your first cannabis experience?


Well-Known Member
macbill said:
lwien said:
25 yrs old in Pakistan.
I bet there is an interesting story there..........
Was stationed there back in 1970 in a small spy base just outside of Peshawar when I was in the Air Force. Peshawar is real close to the Russian and Chinese boarders that allowed us to listen in on what was goin' on. I was a intercept/cryptanalyst.

Things were a lot different in Pakistan back then. We could dress in our civilian clothes and hitchhike anywhere, so when we heard that they make some of the best Afghan hash in the Khyber Pass, we decided to pay them a visit. Pretty amazing. You know what those huge Hershey bars look like that is used for baking? Well, that was the size of the blocks of hash. Large brown Hershey bars with a gold Afghan seal stamped on each one laying crosswise on each other in stacks of 20, and there were about 30 stacks.

That was the first time I got high on cannabis and it was from eating hash. Shit tasted awful, but man, did we get fucked up.

Now that I think back on it, it's kind of weird. Before they issued me a Top Secret Cryptographic Clearance, they ran an intense background check on me. Fuck, they even went as far as contacting my grammer school teachers and my first girlfriend's parents when I was 13 years old, but yet, we were able to hitchhike across Pakistan and Afghanistan without too much of a problem as long as we were dressed in our civvies. Think we'd last no more than 5 minutes out there if we tried that today.


GreenLeaf said:
For myself starting to drink alcohol at a young age was far more worse than smoking a bit of herb every now and then like once or a few times a month, or on weekends as a late teenager, or tripping once or twice a year was.
On a bit of a side-note, did anyone get turned off alcohol the same way I feel I did since smoking pot regularly? I don't mean drinking the odd beer... I still like to have a couple beers on the weekend... but before that I would party hard once in a while and now the thought of getting really drunk makes me shake my head. It all leads back to the question of why booze is legal, yet far more dangerous. Besides, who wants to have a fun night but pay for it in the morning? Maybe I'm not smoking enough but the absolute worst I've had from a night of toking hard is a fuzziness in the morning that isn't at all unpleasant. Can't say the same for alcohol.

Society just confuses me.:|


Well-Known Member
mattybass said:
GreenLeaf said:
For myself starting to drink alcohol at a young age was far more worse than smoking a bit of herb every now and then like once or a few times a month, or on weekends as a late teenager, or tripping once or twice a year was.
On a bit of a side-note, did anyone get turned off alcohol the same way I feel I did since smoking pot regularly? I don't mean drinking the odd beer... I still like to have a couple beers on the weekend... but before that I would party hard once in a while and now the thought of getting really drunk makes me shake my head. It all leads back to the question of why booze is legal, yet far more dangerous. Besides, who wants to have a fun night but pay for it in the morning? Maybe I'm not smoking enough but the absolute worst I've had from a night of toking hard is a fuzziness in the morning that isn't at all unpleasant. Can't say the same for alcohol.

Society just confuses me.:|
Nope that did not happen to me. I did drink some as a teenager but it was just a beer or two here and there, and some vodka. I first got buzzed on alcohol when I drank some wine at 12. I remember getting very drunk for the first time when I was 15 at an Indian wedding.

A year after I became the legal age to drink I did start to abuse alcohol daily and if you're really interested in why I did this feel free to email me. I don't feel like going into it here and it's sort of an involved story.

I was not and am not an alcoholic but if I had continued to drink like that I would have became one.

I do still drink BTW but I do not get majorly drunk unless I'm on vacation with friends and even then I do not drink as much as I did when I was abusing booze daily.

I do not think it's good to abuse any drug daily or frequently, and that goes for herb too.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
I am a recovering alcoholic, and its been 25 years since I quit drinking. I think some folks are more prone to addictive behaviors, whenever and whatever they start. Some say it has a genetic component. I don't know, but I am sure glad I moved away from the Bay Area before coke got to be such a fad. Surely, I would have crashed and burned on that one.

Incidentally, sounds like lwien has a bunch of stories I'd like to hear.


14; I was riding my bike looking to bum a cigarette and saw two long haired guys I knew passing a cigarette. "Hey can I have a cigarette?" "Well we can't give you a whole cigarette but you can take a puff from THIS cigarette, it's very expensive ... tobacco. Taste it." I liked it, I liked the way it tasted. Sweeter then Marlboros. "Hey can I get a pack of these?" "No, you have to buy a bag and roll these yourself." A few months later I was at teenage rocking combo band practice and the other guitarist mentioned he had a bag of pot and he would sell it to me for what he paid for it, $5, and he would include a rolling machine and papers. I bought it and about a week later I was sitting in the backyard with the drummer, we had rolled a joint and we were ready to go.
"You go first." "No you go first." "OK I'll go first."
Felt nothing.... must be shit, we got ripped off....
Soon met up with two other friends who were daily pot smokers. I said I have a bag, I didn't feel anything. They said bring it over, we'll check it out.
The three of us passed a few joints back and forth.
"I don't feel anything."
"You sure, this is pretty good pot." "Oh yeah this is good." "Sometimes it takes a few times before you start getting off..."
So I went over every day with the bag.
Still nothing.
then i remember one of them rolled a joint with pot laced with DMT.
"You should definitely feel this."
I did.


Well-Known Member
I was 15 and it was me, my best friend (RIP Angel), and my cousin. They had smoked before, but this was my first time. I got tottaly F'd up out of my mind from a gram of red hair split between 3 people, it was not a pleasant experience at all. The experiences got better and better everytime I did it after that (except for a couple of bad trips as an early user). By age 18 in college I was toking 2-3 times a week. I still wonder why I tried it again after my first experience which was not a good one, but Im glad I was persistant because now as a seasoned toker at age 30, everytime I toke its an awesome experience. I'm glad I tried it for the first time when I did. Is it just me, or do us vape heads take our tokin way more serious then the smokers?? I think most vape heads are well seasoned tokers who really know their shit when it comes to ganja. :brow:


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
StickyShisha said:
19 years old, Vietnam. First week in country.
I abso-f**king-lutely can't imagine being in that predicament. Excuse my French. It is beyond my comprehension.

I was number 42 the last year of the lottery draft system, and just by happenstance, I moved prior to receiving my induction notice (honest). By the time it caught up with me (months later), I went to a local selective service office, and they told me they had stopped drafting.

I missed the draft. but I never let that hurt my feelings.


I agree - completely beyond my comprehension to wake up in the morning in the jungle then get dressed and load your rifle to shoot or be shot at in the miserable heat and to be stoned at the same time. Just to "stop the overflow"of a different economic system in a foreign country.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, half our tech school class went to Nam, and the other half went to Pakistan. I lucked out...........big time.


What's Going On?
First toke experience was all thanks to my sister when I was 15. Freshman year on my birthday. She told me that we were gonna go to her friends house and I thought it would be fun. Got in the car and she handed me a box with a key and said happy birthday. I opened it and found a nice green iced glass pipe. I had no idea what the fuck to do. Got to her friends house, she broke my pipe's cherry with her friend in the car before we went in, I told her I was fine, but I would watch, (all that D.A.R.E. bullshit was swirling in my head). When they went outside to smoke a blunt, I got too enticed and hit it. I didn't really feel anything until we went driving to buy pizza and I got a hardcore case of the giggles.

After we got pizza, I must say I was only mildly buzzed. Then, there was more teaching and learning inside. I got so fucked up. They put on Grandma's Boy and I sat to the side looking at the wall as it shifted left and right about 2 inches very frequently. Then I was told to lay down and I did, but I kept twitching like every 30 seconds and I could hear them laugh.

Took me two more years to indulge in the culture and it has been a blessing ever since.

Ed's TnT

I gotta say tat I remember being a little boy passing the doobie around for my old man and his friends. I didnt start smoking til my cuz moved to MS from TX, I was 11 and he would take me fishing and hunting, we would always burn a bowl before we wet a hook or climbed in the stand. I went for a while before I ever really felt anything, he said it was the peach fuzz stage, I think this lasted a couple months, we were going to another cuz's bday party and we burned one on the way, that was the first time I ever got HIGH, I was all fucked up, kept thinking someone was talking to me, sat on my moms lit cigarette, it was really hard not to get busted then, but I came through it and been toking ever since.

My cuz and I still laugh about that!
Ed's TnT,


Well-Known Member
First joint, morocan-cut pressed hash, at 13, didn't really feel anything. Exept I was lying down in the carpet feeling really good.
Then a year later, one night in june 95 in a public park, my friends and I met some guys celebrating the end of highschool. They were out of beers but had a "saop" of melty afgan hash. luckily we had beers !
We made one of the best deal that night, especially for 14 turning 15 years old kids trading with 18y old guys. Maybe a 6 pack for like 2-3 grams.
Then, a year after, june 96, I finally got properly introduced to weed by a friend.Didn't feel anything the first 2-3 joints. Smoked over a period of 2 months. When finally, one day of july it happened while I was playing chess with my mate. Liked it a lot, and it became one of my hobby. I remember, that during a short but intense period I was only talking about weed during lunch breaks and so. In september 96 I started to toke on a daily basis. Never really stopped since then :D

I have always feel great about weed, and like others I have tried LSD, shrooms etc. at a young age, like 16-18, and I really am glad that I did. Not that I would dare (lol) to recommend id.
The only down is the combustion part.

Thx for your stories, they are ALL interesting !

Edit: About vaping and connoisseurs


Well-Known Member
SkeletonLips said:
At a job I worked at, when I was 14, I found a pack of cigs someone had left behind, and I opened it up to see if there were any left. My buddy and I would sneak cigs at this junk yard next to work, so we were always lookin' for smokes. Well, this pack just happened to have a joint in it. I stayed the night at my buddy's house, and we toked up at about 1 in the morning outside his window. Nothing happened but I pretended it did. That was the first and last time for a while.
About two weeks before my 17th birthday, I was hanging out with friends, and I had been a straight edge for about 2 years, when a buddy of mine offered to toke me up. I wasn't sure, so I did some research for a week, and decided that I wanted to try it. It was lonely being the only straight edge kid, and I wanted to reconnect with some friends who had been smoking pot for a couple of months. I smoked a joint with two of my buddies, and I only slightly felt it. I thought, damn, this isn't near as crazy as I've heard. Then, about 2 days later, I went over to one of my buddy's good smoking friend's house. He had a six foot bong, and a three foot long shotgun tube, and several little water pipes. I took one huge rip off the shotgun, and I then took a huuuuuge rip from the six footer. I ran out of the apartment and puked my guts out over the railing of his deck. I came back in, rinsed my mouth out, and proceeded to be the highest I have ever been. I know I asked at least twice if this bud had anything else in it. I mean I had tracers that were well over 3 feet long. I remember listening to Jimi Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner, and I felt like I was on a rollercoaster controlled by his guitar. Since then I have only quit once, and that was for a years probation on this thing called drug court because a group of us got caught with weed. I have taken a few t-breaks, but that's about it.
Weed is something that I think should be experienced in your upper teens, but I also realize that the world is not perfect and some of my friends have smoked it since they were 10, and are successful people anyways. I know I wouldn't toke out a person younger than 18 nowadays, but that's just because I rarely hang out with anyone younger than 22. I also agree with wthanna, about the prohibition thing, and people saying "think about the children". I may have tried green at a young age, but I didn't get drunk until I was almost 18. That was also when I decided that our government was fucked up, and had the wrong substance vilified. I never woke up with my shirt missing, and feeling like shit on weed.
Awesome post.


Well-Known Member
My first time I was Sixteen. My cousin who is also my best friend since birth had been getting high for three years (since he was 13). We are the same age but a few months off. One day i got into a fight with my mom. I had 21 dollars. I went to my cousin and said lets buy some MJ and smoke it all. He went to his dad's house and bought 7 J's 3 bucks a piece. He smoked the first three with me in a woods behind his house and laid down down next to a tree and took a nap as i then smoked the other four by myself. They were Pin'rs but not bad bud. I felt nothing.

The next day I had six bucks and you guessed it, I bought 2 joints. I took 2 hits from the first joint and had to lay down for 45 minutes. It was special.

It happens, when it happens. It should not be a 21 year old burning down a fourteen year old but a 16 year old toking up a 14 year old is not criminal. Sort of like Statutory rape laws they make sense. It works.
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