They've been quiet on FC for awhile now...though I am amused by DV's constant FaceBook postings that seem to keep inflaming the posters over there that want the Ascent NOW!!!!
As we've been told..."Patience is a virtue"...something it seems is lacking on the Facebook page.![]()
And perplexes me why they keep ignoring you every time you bring up that gift certificate that you wish to so generously give to someone else...![]()
no shes not on vacationI sent a pm to Niki and at DV's website asking about that Yelp deal. I wanted to know if I use that deal to purchase my Ascent, would I still be eligible for the "free" water tool when they release the Ascent.
Now Niki may have been on vacation, but I'm not sure why DV themselves have not responded yet...they always seem to be asking that we contact them with questions...
its being released next month !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Toronto vaporizer and some folks at davinciThis info came from where?
Yeah same thing for me I asked for a refund from Toronto vaporizer since I preordered from them.I am soooooooooooooooooo over this vape with all there teasing on fb which is not nice at all. DV is a company I liked but now I am not sure. It isn't the delays that bothers me as in the old world we wouldn't have even known this stuff it is just the way it is being handled. The teasing on fb is just rude. It may not be the person that comes here but it is still someone from the company and that says volumes to me.
Nano @ Got vape has not returned my last 2 emails. The last contact i had from (him/her) promised an updated release/shipping date within the week (last week on June). Never happened. They are also now promising a pen vape setup for free as a sorry gift on top of the GonG adapter. BUT, if you choose to cancel the Pre-reg on the ascent you get the cost of the pen vape debited from your refund.
Guess they are figuring we will take the deal and then give up and be stuck with the pen and the cost. Pretty slick actually (but really skeezu none the less)
DaVinci replied today that the DO NOT have a release date yet so all the dates and speculation you have heard are 110% unsubstantiated.