Be patient and wait. I don't think they will let anymore out the door until some issues are refined.
Some of us have GREAT units, but I can only guess as to what the new units will bring (presumably including new firmware)
I would hope not for a long time. Poor quality product according to a majority of FC member reports, upon which I have based my opinion. I'm going to wait until DV improves the internal/external design and functions before ever considering the Ascent again. Maybe a version 3 or 4 will be a winner, but I doubt anything as soon as a version 2 will be much better than Version 1. Good luck to all on this one!any idea when they are shipping more units
I would hope not for a long time. Poor quality product according to a majority of FC member reports, upon which I have based my opinion. I'm going to wait until DV improves the internal/external design and functions before ever considering the Ascent again. Maybe a version 3 or 4 will be a winner, but I doubt anything as soon as a version 2 will be much better than Version 1. Good luck to all on this one!
my unit went back to DV for RMA, so i am out my $$$$ for another however longi just hope it is right and i won't feeling in the back of my mind that i wasted my money... like i do right now
I did too, but I'm over it now.crap i hope not. I want it so bad.
I hope not. For both your and my sake, I want a good portable, but the pax is too high maintenance and the solo is to big to fit in my pocket
I did too, but I'm over it now.
... those of us with good units are really enjoying them!
I know you've been hanging in there for a while, but please don't forget that those of us with good units are really enjoying them!
I'll be among the very first to get back on the gravy train when all things are made right. Meantime, to all, I remain your FC friend!@Snappo As someone who has played with a few units now, to someone that hasn't seen one: I think it will be okay. They need to fix things like the supplier of the ?silicone? and I know they are already working on new firmware for the units.
Their first device was very solid. This device can be once they are done.
I'm not sure that any vaporizer used w/plant matter is going to be beneficial for an individual with COPD. Some might advocate for it with certain herbs, or even pot, which is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect (short-term/temporary) in the bronchials, but overall this is an irritant. Hence, the cough. Of course if he must, it's better than combustion. In any event, I wouldn't suggest risking his condition with a device that may have off-gassing issues. Better check that out thoroughly before use. Good luck!I'm just worried if there is some problems underlying like others have suggested,because i want to share it with my husband who has copd............
Be patient and wait. I don't think they will let anymore out the door until some issues are refined.
Some of us have GREAT units, but I can only guess as to what the new units will bring (presumably including new firmware)
Mine is a powerhouse of a portable! I'm blowing giant solo rivaling clouds with it as I type this. I'm sure DV will get it together. I wish you guys were having the experience with it that I've had. It really is an amazing portable.How many good units do you know of besides yours, vaped&confuseds, and the early testers?
Pushing the envelope to the leading edges of any existing technology has its perils.