I got a good image of the Ascent sitting on the dashboard on the way to the ballet.
The extended test went better then expected.
I medicated with the cloud before I left. Takes me about an hour to get to the area downtown where the Ballet is. We were late so I did not medicate in the car before the show. Halfway through the first act my back was starting to tingle a little... bummer.

I was taken out of the preformance and did not enjoy that one as much because of it.
During the first intermission I went outside and had a quick session... around 8 mintues or so. I kept it at 410F the entire time. I really held in my hits and used my normal breathing technique. I was not getting much visibal vapor on the exhale but that was because of the light outside and holding the hits in. I was getting a good effect though.
I went back into see the 2nd act. I was feeling better. I was feeling pretty good by the time the bell rang to go sit down . About 5-10 minutes in to the 2nd act the full strength of the medicine hit me. I was feeling great... and all of a sudden the performance was amazing. All the dancers and the music started to synch up better... my body was calming down and I was starting to enjoy the show. That is a huge relief for me... The 2nd act was AMAZING!!!
The music and dance was modern... it was like journey to the bottom of the sea. The dancers were creating different waves, strange creatures, and all sorts of amazing stuff to the music. It was one of the better performances I have seen in a long time. Lots of energy to the performance. It got a standing O during the 2nd act! Had not seen a standing O in a while. Needless to say with the great performance and the relife the Ascent provided me I was feeling quite good.
There was another intermission and I went back outside to medicate. I bumped it up to 415F and did my usual inhalations and holding of the hits. I was getting a little more visible vapor on the exhale, but still not much. Keep in mind I was trying to minimize the amount of exhaled vapor by holding it in longer.
I was standing on a pedestrian bridge that lead to the garage. A handful of people left between the 2nd and 3rd act. They all walked right passed me as I was medicating. I did not get one look! It was the first time in a long time I did not feel conspicuous. After the session I walked around to air out some. I held the device in my hand to help it air out as well.
It does not smell much, but I am ultra cautious about lingering odor. No one even really glanced at the unit. I think it looks very much like a cell phone (
when the glass draw stem is retracted) in your hand.
Went back in for the 3rd act. Not as good as the 2nd, but I think the entire company was on the stage... there must have been like 40 people on stage. Lots of movement and a feast for the eyes. For the first time in a long time I did not want to bail out early on a show to go home and medicate. The show ended and we decided to go eat.
I got to the car and decided to try one last session... could I get a 3rd usable session out of one bowl (with hash)? I bumped it up to 430F and got another 5-10 minutes of vapor production. I probably could have gotten more, but it was getting popcorn/nutty tasting and I did not have anything to drink.
The last session was more sedating feeling because I had burnt off a fair amount of the other actives during the earlier 2 sessions. I went to dinner and had an great meal. Fantastic strawberry shortcake for dessert. Managed to make it home relatively pain free.
Overall the outing was a great success. I was able to be away from home for about 6 hours with out really feeling a need to go home and medicate. I even managed to get 3 sessions out of one load. The last was not the strongest ever, but it did hold me over till I got home. I want to thank everyone at the company for working to make this device. I can't wait to keep testing it to see how things progress and I build my initial impressions. Keep in mind this is not a review as much as a recap of my night and my impressions so far on the device.
I did figure out one trick for unloading the oven. I was trying to tap the content out into a napkin in my lap. It was not the best solution. It occurred to me just to blow a short puff through the grill and it shot the ABV puck into the napkin.