it wouldn't be the FIRST one i fell for today!!! LOL
Google's "smell-o-vision" got me.

Considering how large they are though; I wouldn't be surprised if they could hack into my brain and make me smell things.

it wouldn't be the FIRST one i fell for today!!! LOL
I didn't even read it, I saw first 100 people and I just filled out my name and email and hit enter...what did I accept? Can someone please tell me?Seriously though, I have no idea what the page said and when I go back it just says thank you for taking the survey.
Of course I do ... as Arfsdad explained: knowing what the inner workings of the original Davinci look like will give us some basic info of how hard it will be to disassemble the Ascent.
I'll have to abuse Apple again as an example: they are notoriously known for locking down their products as much as possible ever since the iPod showed up in 2004. Since then I haven't ever bothered with any of their products again.
Now in the case of Davinci I wasn't going to dig through 80 pages on these forums just to find out whether or not (or rather: how badly) they lock down their products.
Ascent Pre-Registration link is now up. i just filled it out for myself!!!
Apple products are not "locked down" like you say. The reason apple products are hard to disassemble is because they must have minute tolerances to produce small, sleek products. The consequence of a sleeker product often is that it is harder to dissect. Considering that the ascent is sleek as fuck, it may be harder to open up.
Well, the rep *did* say something about a special code for FC, and that we would get first notice about that program, so that pre-reg page might have been not for us. But by now I'll presume we have flooded the first 100 positions.
I hadn't seen an email reply, so obviously it isn't automated.
Didn't the rep say something about doing a trade show this week? If so, might be a bit before they are back in town, and we get our code.
Since so many of you participated in building this awesome product, what I am going to do, is to offer you all a free Gog adapter with preregistration and purchase of the Ascent. I should have the preregistration page up by Friday...or so my web guy tells me. This will enable you all to get in line for purchase and then I'll send all registrants a promo code to get the adapter with purchase.
Gear up for the Haiku Contest...we'll launch this after I get back from ExpoGrow next week!
Apple products are not "locked down" like you say. The reason apple products are hard to disassemble is because they must have minute tolerances to produce small, sleek products. The consequence of a sleeker product often is that it is harder to dissect. Considering that the ascent is sleek as fuck, it may be harder to open up.
DV told us about the preregistration page though.
*A* preregistration page.
But they didn't tell us about *THAT* preregistration page.
Only reason I bring this up is the "First 100 people" thing (we were told "offer you all a free Gog adapter" and "then I'll send all registrants a promo code to get the adapter with purchase" ), which might speak to that page being for a group other than us...
Jus' sayin'.
There's a check box for where you heard about the Ascent, so I'm thinking maybe if you check "FC Forum" you get the gift even if you're not in the first 100. Maybe.![]()
Heh. Nice!I'm thinking Marduk might have something with that FC box I now remember checking. Plus it's on DVs main site, that's why I'm thinking that is the one and only preregistration page.
Or we can be really hopeful and maybe it's a different gift, like a free Davinci to hold you over until the Ascent comes out.![]()
Yes, it is a GlassONGlass water pipe adapterI preregistered this morning. No acknowledgment as of yet.
Don't want to sound stupid but what is the Gong attachment for?
Some type of bubbler ?
Care to offer a list of vapes that are 100% made in the US, or other 'acceptable' country? It would be a short one indeed.[URL='' said:charliedontsurf[/URL]]On the upside... I'm really looking forward to the Ascent. I measure all portables by the Solo at this point, and I hope the Ascent, despite being made in China, surpasses it in every way.
Yes- any type that fits the attachment.nunavut-tripper said:Don't want to sound stupid but what is the Gong attachment for? Some type of bubbler ?