Will there be a special preorder pricing on this like the Da Vinci last year when it came out? Maybe FC members only?
god i hope not!!!! after seeing the disasters of pre-ordering in the cera and inh xp threads and being a part of the PuffiT pro-order nightmare... i can never do a pro-order again. i need for it to be released and reviewed. so knowing i missed out on a discount cause my stomache can't handle another preorder i would really be upset!!!!
Mailing out mine wed.
Question on the size of the extendable glass tube, what diameter is it?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm seems very fishy to say the least new poster comes in and that is all they write?
I don't believe one word of the post.
I agree, preorders can have so many things go wrong, and turns people off of specific manufacturers. Lots of unhappy customers because of preorders = not a good time!![]()
Mailing out mine wed.
ALL ORDERS WILL ONLY BE PROCESSED ONCE THEY ARE HERE AND READY TO GO! Your accounts will only show an authorization and not a finalization for the charge. Please contact us if you have any questions
Is what it says, did anyone try contacting them yet? Most likely its just a gimmick by the website to try and get all the first orders. They know they will eventually be able to order them and they don't promise you an exact shipping date. They may be legit, but who knows, they may be fake and they just gonna take all the authorization money and run. lol
Just curious, how much was the authorization charge?