Hello all. Thought i'd sign up and say hello since i've been following this thread with the rest of you since it was only about 25 pages long! This looks like this vape's gonna be the complete portable vape solution we've all been waiting for eh?

I've been a vaper for about 8 years or so now and i'm pretty oldschool about it. I really like my Vapor Brothers (Exremely nice company in my experience) and of course the Volcano - though i've owned/tried lots of others. Seems like there's never been a portable vape on the market that doesn't feel like a compromise compared to the table tops. They either don't pull right, or they don't make proper clouds, or they don't taste right, or you spend so much time worrying about battery life that it isn't even a relaxing experience anymore!
I tried the original Da Vinci a few weeks ago. I only got a quick shot at it but i was impressed, it felt like a breakthrough in portable vapes compared to things like the Iolite/MFLB/Solo and yet i already knew at that point that the Ascent was invented and soon to be on the market! We've all studied the spec on this thing, we all know in theory it's the one we've been waiting for to solve portable vapor frustration, it ticks all the boxes. Ceramic and glass, properly sophisticated temperature control, sleek perfect design, long life battery, use while charging, a perfectionist company who interact with fellow enthusiasts regularly on this very forum, understandably we can't wait!
Thanks to Da Vinci and everyone else for keeping me up to date while we all eagerly await the release!