Article on Cracked: 5 Pro-MJ arguments that aren't helping.


Well-Known Member
Those are a lot of the good reasons, and I think that person who wrote it lied, he is an 'anti-pot' kinda guy!


I take th guy in the picture way more seriously then the guy writing that article.


Well-Known Member
no arguments are air-tight when confronting real life. it's an exercise in nitpicking only, not worth anyone's time.

"marijuana is safer than alcohol" might not make sense as an argument to this author (who pretty clearly does have major issues with marijuana from his personal experiences), but it's been proven in many polls to be a very effective argument with most voters. not only is it "helping" legalization advocates, it's basically the *only* thing that's helping.


Naruto Fan
I think he manages to cast them in a funny light

5 Pro-Marijuana Arguments That Aren't Helping

#5. Taxing it Will Save the Economy
#4. We Need it for Cancer Patients! And to Make Paper
#3. It's Good for You
#2. Alcohol and Tobacco are Worse, and They're Legal
#1. It's not Addictive

of course what makes it funny is that he's saying the arguments are not working 'on the people we need to convince, the old stuffy politicians who are in power, and don't smoke.

EDIT: as long as we buy into the view of the world as drug users being bad guys who should be separated from society, we'll be vulnerable to these types of slurs (meaning what he wrote, not the specific list). What he fails to see in his TV view of the world, is that more relevant than whether the drug is changing the user, is why the user reached for it in the first place? if only 17% of people who try Meth get hooked, then only a small percentage of the population has a pre-tendency to want/need/high-likelyhood of abuse/whatever...and if as Dr. Gabor Mate says all of these people have developmental issues, then again, is prison where we want to send Aunt Jane? or the kid down the street who's coming back when they get out? End the war on drugs. it's a failure because it goes after the wrong people, and doesn't allow any dialog for mental health of the society at large because the real issues are eclipsed by the media hype and tradition.
I agree with his last point, pot is addictive. We as humans are creatures of habit. Habits get formed and we like routine.
Radioactive Toy,


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the tone of the article is off putting. I do think though that debating the harms/benefits of herb itself is kind of beside the point. I try to keep it to things like, "we own our bodies" and "if you had your share of the WOD budget back, would you be able to think of something you'd rather do with that money?"

But if the alcohol thing is what's swaying voters, have at it.


Active Member
Meh, I'd rather listen to Carlin's take on the subject (though it's a little outdated), but it had a few points that made me chuckle :) No real substance though, just poking fun at the rhetoric.
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