above the clouds
Sometimes bad things happens to give us more knowledge!
All the forum knows that my extreme felt on the floor and broke his glass i was very sad for a couple of days...then some light!!!!
A friend borrow me this strange vape and i was very curious after lot of time looking to this machine ang guessing how it works!!
Now he is in my hands for some days and i'll do some report.....It's very hard to find some report of this machine in the net maybe because it's germain aspect!
Maybe it's more a european unit similar to the old and good verdamper.
It is easier use this vape than talk about anyway it is the only one that heat the bowl from up and the heater is a little bulb light... incredible how this unit works!!
when you fill the bowl and put it in the glass bong you can think too many pieces to deal but when you put the heater on the bowl and pull you really see the light!!!
Yes when you pull the light get brighter to maintan the same heat!!
Seems that almost you suck form a bong that instead of burning is flashing light!
Vapor is thick fresh and a bowl is enough for long time!!!
I really likes this vape for his clean vapor but is a bit too expensive for me and too many fragile glass piece to move!
For sure better than volcano anyway!
In germany assurance companies provide this unit for free to people that need it to medicate!
Make a tour on their site very interesting!
Never without a good vape!!
All the forum knows that my extreme felt on the floor and broke his glass i was very sad for a couple of days...then some light!!!!
A friend borrow me this strange vape and i was very curious after lot of time looking to this machine ang guessing how it works!!
Now he is in my hands for some days and i'll do some report.....It's very hard to find some report of this machine in the net maybe because it's germain aspect!
Maybe it's more a european unit similar to the old and good verdamper.
It is easier use this vape than talk about anyway it is the only one that heat the bowl from up and the heater is a little bulb light... incredible how this unit works!!
when you fill the bowl and put it in the glass bong you can think too many pieces to deal but when you put the heater on the bowl and pull you really see the light!!!
Yes when you pull the light get brighter to maintan the same heat!!
Seems that almost you suck form a bong that instead of burning is flashing light!
Vapor is thick fresh and a bowl is enough for long time!!!
I really likes this vape for his clean vapor but is a bit too expensive for me and too many fragile glass piece to move!
For sure better than volcano anyway!
In germany assurance companies provide this unit for free to people that need it to medicate!
Make a tour on their site very interesting!
Never without a good vape!!