I own the aromed for quite a moment now and, like dormouse, use it at 180-185 degrees. I have to say I love it. I tried a volcano at a friend's place but didn't find it as enjoyable as the aromed. I found the vapor a bit harsh.
Is there any other whip vape delivering a smooth vapor like the aromed ?
What about the SSV ? Does anybody own both ?
It looks good but seems to deliver very strong vapor hits that would probably make me cough like the volcano. Adding a water filtration system wouldn't really be an option for me.
That's why, I'm still questioning myself if it makes sense to buy another vape as the aromed vapor is already one of the best.
I own the aromed for quite a moment now and, like dormouse, use it at 180-185 degrees. I have to say I love it. I tried a volcano at a friend's place but didn't find it as enjoyable as the aromed. I found the vapor a bit harsh.
Is there any other whip vape delivering a smooth vapor like the aromed ?
What about the SSV ? Does anybody own both ?
It looks good but seems to deliver very strong vapor hits that would probably make me cough like the volcano. Adding a water filtration system wouldn't really be an option for me.
That's why, I'm still questioning myself if it makes sense to buy another vape as the aromed vapor is already one of the best.