aight...these things work!
All tasty and delicious room fragrances that will amaze any keen sense of smell...and all of the oil I bought don't have a nasty lingering smell afterward.
I did research on exactly what I was gonna get (cheated off some FC members
and looked around online for other places to find exactly what I wanted on oil info) so its no surprise that I enjoy all of these oils. The oil is my liquid
Good example of how aroma oil can be beneficial: Had to write up a quick mini paper...sooo early in the morning and I'm tired as hell! I load two drops of peppermint extract, and two drops of clary sage into the PD copper cup. Now that's a combo that will make you and your brain wake think open thoughts..and more relaxed feelings.
all I can say is...if you have a vape with aroma capabilities (if you dont then get one!) then make sure you buy some oil to give it a go and see what you like. Never know what you might find and how it might help you.