Arizer Solo 3 vs Tinymight2 vs S&B Venty


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I have a Venty, absolutely love it and it's the first vape I reach for most times.

My only criticism is that there isn't much in terms of flavour coming unless you're on pretty low temps in my experience.

I'm wondering what would be the best between the TinyMight2 and Arizer Solo III just in terms of pure flavour production? I'm talking terpy goodness.

Also, in terms of airflow, which one would be better? I usually use my Venty on airflow setting 1 or 2.

I have a terpcicle as well which produces nice flavour, just the flame torch can be a bit of a nuisance.

Appreciate any advice 😊


Well-Known Member
I don’t have a TM2, but I do have a Venty. In my opinion, the solo three tastes much better than the Venty. I love terps. I still use the Venting once in a while, but it doesn’t get a whole lot of love these days. But he S3 does have more draw restriction than the Venty wide open, but if you use it on one or two, you’ll like the solo.


I'm wondering what would be the best between the TinyMight2 and Arizer Solo III just in terms of pure flavour production? I'm talking terpy goodness.

Also, in terms of airflow, which one would be better? I usually use my Venty on airflow setting 1 or 2.
TM2 beats S3 in terms of flavor (a little) and airflow (a lot). But I personally like the S3 effects better, that’s why I barely use my TM2 while hitting my S3 all day long.

Both TM2 and S3 are beating the Venty in terms of everything (except S3 airflow). I like my Venty, using it ever once in a while, but for my needs it can’t compare with neither of those.


I don't have the Solo 3 or the Venty but I've tried other devices and I have several others I just wanted to say I imagine the Venty at the level of the other s&b in terms of flavor due to the plastic... I'm taking the tm2 since it's 100% convection I hope the flavor resembles a ball vape because it's really top in any case I follow the discussion that I'm also considering whether to take the Solo 3

then I saw that with the tm you can finish a bowl in 2 shots, is Solo 3 as powerful?


Active Member
You can really finish a bowl in two puffs with the TM, but I prefer longer sessions. Right now, with the blue temperature setting and a 5 on the dial, I can have a relaxed, flavorful round with about 8 puffs. Although the TM is often seen as a hard hitter, it can also be gentle. I am currently experimenting with how low I can set the temperature for myself. The length and strength of the draw can be varied greatly, but you have to get used to that too. These options make it difficult to get started, as a lot can be adjusted to get the golden shot.
Not many devices offer these options.


Big and Bouncy
I don't have the Solo 3 or the Venty but I've tried other devices and I have several others I just wanted to say I imagine the Venty at the level of the other s&b in terms of flavor due to the plastic... I'm taking the tm2 since it's 100% convection I hope the flavor resembles a ball vape because it's really top in any case I follow the discussion that I'm also considering whether to take the Solo 3

then I saw that with the tm you can finish a bowl in 2 shots, is Solo 3 as powerful?
At the highest levels in on-demand mode I'm pretty sure you can do this. I almost never use it this way though as that's not my style and I have other vapes for that. The S3 is capable of hybrid heating so it's flexible in this respect. If your goal is to crush bowls, you may also be able to do this at a high temp in session mode with a little heat soak.
I don't have it, but from what I read it sounds like Angus Enhanced might be for you. I don't know if you didn't know it or if you've already ruled it out for some reason.
The AE is more of a pure convection vape like the TM2 than the S3. At its highest levels it's also plenty powerful but it's real strength is longer, tasty sessions.
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At the highest levels in on-demand mode I'm pretty sure you can do this.
but are you sure? If you can try setting it at 220°C and taking the longest shot, can you let me know how many shots it ends up in? in the end I think I'll take the tm2 these days but it's not like I only use it in that way, to say that it's not a big problem, yes you get 3/4 more shots but if the session is still long I wouldn't buy it personally

Not many devices offer these options
in fact I love the 100% convection type when they are very powerful devices like a ball vape so you can decide whether to have a top flavor with still a nice amount of vapor or instead finish it all in one shot..


Big and Bouncy
but are you sure? If you can try setting it at 220°C and taking the longest shot, can you let me know how many shots it ends up in? in the end I think I'll take the tm2 these days but it's not like I only use it in that way, to say that it's not a big problem, yes you get 3/4 more shots but if the session is still long I wouldn't buy it personally
I'm quite certain you will kill a bowl quickly, like 2 big hits, because I tried this long ago. There are other users who like using it this way, at very high temps (@Rodney and @eyevape) who could corroborate.
in fact I love the 100% convection type when they are very powerful devices like a ball vape so you can decide whether to have a top flavor with still a nice amount of vapor or instead finish it all in one shot..
Same here. I have a Couchlog and a DaBuddha baller modded vape for hits like this. The Angus can hit very hard if you want it to because it also has rubies on top of the 100W halogen heater to act as a heat battery.
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The Angus can hit very hard if you want it to because it also has rubies on top of the 100W halogen heater to act as a heat battery.

Angus I really like the idea but I also have doubts about the problems or the durability of the bulb

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Pretty sure there is another thread for this already with more posts??

then I saw that with the tm you can finish a bowl in 2 shots, is Solo 3 as powerful?

Yes... Using the time and temp settings in on demand mode, you can do one hitters through water, I don't find it as enjoyable however, hybrid heating can be pretty harsh for me (in this regard I prefer BAK, but I also prefer TP80 over TM2 for quick one hitters through water personally, TM2 I prefer a low temp step sesh dry)
Shit Snacks,
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