Are there any liquid terpenes that actually taste like cannabis?


Well-Known Member
I love adding terps to my herb. I have enjoyed some blends from mass terpenes but honestly they just don't taste like cannabis to me. There are lots of sweet candy, cake and cookie flavors, but I haven't found any skunky, piney, dank smelling blends. Has anyone here found any terps that reek with any of the above scents/flavors? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Up here in canada I order Tru terpenes comes in a blue bottle they have strains and flavored ones but the strain specific r pretty spot on. They have hundreds of strains.
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Well-Known Member
So, can you spray some of this on ground herb?
I assume it is hemp derived, eh? Oh, I see, many sources...
few drops per 1gr, 1-5% volume total or so..
and it's not hemp derived.. i thought it's hemp derived too!
citation from their website:
"The vast majority of our terpenes are derived from many different natural sources. There are over 20,000 terpenes in nature and they are not unique to only one species of plant. For example, some natural sources of alpha-pinene include pine trees, other coniferous trees, eucalyptus, sage, rosemary, frankincense and ironwort. The structure of terpenes are always the same no matter what plant they were isolated from. There is a myth that the source of the terpene is important, but that is not true. When terpenes are isolated from any plant, there is virtually no difference between them."

Haze Mister

Verdant Bloomer
When terpenes are isolated from any plant, there is virtually no difference between them

"virtually".... no difference that THEY can detect. And we all know what this stuff is made for and what most people buy it for.... to add flavour to low quality weed for selling at a higher price... at least this is what goes down over here .
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