Are sites like legit? Or trouble?


Well-Known Member
In NM the cost/year for being a medical user is 0. But you need to have some kind of medical person sign off and endorse you. If you are seeing a cannafriendly doc? Great! Otherwise you end up paying a bit for that. You get an official state card that the dispensaries check. The dispensaries themselves don't issue cards. At POS they scan your card and the amount purchased into the state database.

NM has an old law on the books allowing medical users to procure "where ever". So while it is illegal for my buddy to sell my meds it IS legal for me to buy them from him.
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I realize the premise of sites such as is illegal but of course got no problem w/that. On the face of it, it seems viable but there's a lot of faith involved. But then hell, things have changed so much that everyone has used one and I'm the only one that hasn't. Has anyone here used one w/success? Or even an anecdotal story of a friend who has? Do you know of another retailer with this sort of business model that is righteous? This one isn't the first I've come across, just the latest and I thought I might as well ask here. Just seems too good to be true and you know what they say about that... I have a good thing going but would love the variety! Just not enough to get in trouble, I'm way too pretty! :rofl:

Thanks in advance for your replies, unless they're mean. Then you get an indignant "How dare you?!
Love you FC family! Unless you were mean. Then I only stick my tongue out in your direction. :D

I did have success with buying seeds once. However, this week was my first try at an online Marijuana purchase, and I got scammed. I paid Cannabis Station ( $235 via Western Union for one ounce. Then Cannabis Station sent me a legitimate looking request from "FedEx Discreet Packaging" (there is no such thing) saying I needed to insure the package for $25,000 at a cost of $530. This amount I was supposed to send “Morgan Davis” aka “Dylan Staggs” -- the scammer. He would pay FedEx and I would get a refund of the cost when the package was delivered. Well that made no sense. Once I began asking questions, the scammer started getting annoyed. Cannabis Station is a scam.
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New Member
Just checked back to see your post. Thanks lazylathe.

My original post was to save others from my Cannabis Station fate.

I’m an older dude. I have long been comfortable with the internet (no big deal), but wary of social media. The recent data breaches and scandals have only intensified my reluctance. Thus, I have no social media presence or even experience.

I guess I will have to do more research in order to figure out how to trustfully use Instagram. But again, thanks for the suggestion. Had I known where to begin, maybe I would not have been scammed.
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