Are Dispensary Budtenders Stoned on the Job???


Well-Known Member
Are dispensary budtenders stoned out while working?

I just placed an order online with my favourite dispensary. I took advantage of a sales promotion that included $5 discounts for a few items and the remaining items discounted at 10%. All this meant that my order subtotal needed to be adjusted to include the discounts before the dreaded 13% tax was applied.

They sent me an invoice that had no resemblance to the math rules. It turns out that the girl the other end had to make the adjustment manually and just couldn't pull it off. I just exchanged 8 emails with her, before she got it right.

Do you think that she is stoned on the job? I'm stoned right now and can manage simple arithmetic.

Or is this a symptom of an automated world?

Last week I bought a tea at Tim Hortons. I had some change in my pocket, counted out the exact amount and gave it to the cashier. This seemingly completely threw her for a loop. She had difficulty adding up the nickels, dimes and quarters. First she made little piles of the dimes and quarters and nickels. Then she counted how many of each. Then she tried to figure out what each pile represented before trying to come to a total. I have never seen anyone have such trouble counting change.

Remember when cashiers manually figured out your change back from the money presented to them for a purchase? Now, it is calculated automatically by the cash register. Plus, most of the time purchases are completed with a card, not hard cold cash.

Is math a dead skill?


When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind.
No they are not stoned. Illegal in my state.
Underpaid and overworked? Yes.
Some people are bad at math.
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I have no doubt that a large number are stoned all day, though I don't think that's the problem.

Remember in math class, how roughly 85% of the class was like "math is for NERDS, fuck this who ever needs it anyway?" Those dipshits now have jobs - some at the grocery store, some at McD's, and some at the dispensary, fucking up your change wherever they work, still convinced that only dorks keep an accurate till, or learn basic job skills.

On the downside, the dummies sometimes have to call a manager over when I hand an extra $1 so I don't get a pile of bills and coins in change. On the upside, more than once they've just handed me something like $10 extra for no apparent reason.

It's not smoke clouding their minds, it's just that their minds weren't exactly well-oiled machines to begin with.

HD Springer

Well-Known Member
Have you all helped your kids with their math homework lately. They make shit so fucking hard trying to simplify things that need no dumbing down. It's the way America teaches the kids these days. The No child left behind act they instituted years ago. This is my own opinion on the troubles with the youth and math these days. God I sound old.


The MMJ industry here is riddled with folks who are stoned all day. Clinics, LHS, dispensaries.
Every industry is full of stoners... lawyers get stoned, doctors get stoned, teachers get stoned, footballers and athletes get stoned, etc.

....except pilots. Every pilot I've ever met would ALWAYS choose their wings and love of flying over smoking pot. But then again, there are always a few exceptions. ;)


Well-Known Member
It's not smoke clouding their minds, it's just that their minds weren't exactly well-oiled machines to begin with.

Minds work in different ways i bet you each one of these people is a genius like that brother Tom Cruise had but I forget his name. Anyways I know idiots and nearly everyone has a specialization. I consider myself intelligent infact the amount of info taken in is constantly making my brain a better organic machine. I bet I could make heads spin when we get into individualist anarchism veganism and banning alcohol and tobacco. Emotional intelligence is where I see myself above everyone I know in real life though.

But you want to know what fucks my world up? Maths. And maths has done this to me since a very young age I have a memory of being in a crowded school with no chance of special tuition because one teacher has to watch 15 kids? And it snowballed from there to the point where you are unable to actually get certain jobs unless you catch up fast and if unable well even you may be smart maths might still be impossible. Heck mine is so cringe worthy I actually think there is an unknown form of maths dyslexia if that is a thing because I sure as hell am not retarded lol.

Anyways I am a firm believer in implants in the future my inbuilt voice activated calculator will handle that shit so maybe this is a trailblazing thing ;)


Dharma Initiate
Are dispensary budtenders stoned out while working?

I just placed an order online with my favourite dispensary. I took advantage of a sales promotion that included $5 discounts for a few items and the remaining items discounted at 10%. All this meant that my order subtotal needed to be adjusted to include the discounts before the dreaded 13% tax was applied.

They sent me an invoice that had no resemblance to the math rules. It turns out that the girl the other end had to make the adjustment manually and just couldn't pull it off. I just exchanged 8 emails with her, before she got it right.

Do you think that she is stoned on the job? I'm stoned right now and can manage simple arithmetic.

Or is this a symptom of an automated world?

Last week I bought a tea at Tim Hortons. I had some change in my pocket, counted out the exact amount and gave it to the cashier. This seemingly completely threw her for a loop. She had difficulty adding up the nickels, dimes and quarters. First she made little piles of the dimes and quarters and nickels. Then she counted how many of each. Then she tried to figure out what each pile represented before trying to come to a total. I have never seen anyone have such trouble counting change.

Remember when cashiers manually figured out your change back from the money presented to them for a purchase? Now, it is calculated automatically by the cash register. Plus, most of the time purchases are completed with a card, not hard cold cash.

Is math a dead skill?

I do think it is in part a system to an automated world.

I used to work at Wendy's, when I was 16 til 20? Within a month or two on the job, I was immediately "promoted" from fries/grill to run the front register, and then promoted to the back register. I say "promoted" but we all got paid the same, but the brunt of the work definitely was handed out to the "labor" who couldn't run a register/deal with people. This is why when you frequent FF, you tend to have the same person taking orders all time. They are literally the best person for the job because they can punch in the numbers and do arthmatic. And speak clearly.

I would get fouled up after I cashed them out, but then when they would add money onto it. There were buttons for quick 5, quick 10, quick 20, and if they gave me that, and I hit the button, it spat out to me what they owed. If they then added more money on, I did have issues recalculating their change on the fly. It's not necessarily that it was difficult, more for the fact that speed/efficiency is stressed and I didn't want chewed out keeping them at my window. Plus I was used to the automation of it flashing on screen what I needed to give.

I also would count change kind of like the cashier in your example. But I would lie the coins out, not stack them. 5 quarters in pile, 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and then I could do the math easily enough to $1.80. Stacking them seems counter intuitive as you won't be able to count the stack without physically counting them, more time more work, I could look at 5 quarters layed out like a dice side and know the amount.

I was also stoned, as was much of the rest of the restaurant. A lot of cashiers at places I do think are stoned if they are of certain age. Not middle aged woman working at Walgreens, but it's relatively mindless labor and being stoned helps pass the time.

I never give an extra dollar for an even 5 but I routinely throw the amount of change and tell them to keep the coins. Cigs are 8.18/7.18 I give them 10.25 and get $2/$3 back.

Have you all helped your kids with their math homework lately. They make shit so fucking hard trying to simplify things that need no dumbing down. It's the way America teaches the kids these days. The No child left behind act they instituted years ago. This is my own opinion on the troubles with the youth and math these days. God I sound old.


I feel you. My cousins are grade school age. This shit looks like a foreign language to me and I was in accelerated/honors math all through highs school. Needlessly complex. Like I kind of understand "subtract all the tens" is the theory of what is going on, but it is just easier to tell kids to subtract 1 on the number to the left, and add 10 to the number you can't subtract. We don't need math theory lol not everyone needs to know the "why" and forcing them to know the why can complicate things unnecessarily.


Well-Known Member

What an overly complex, discombobulated and convoluted approach to a simple math equation! Complete nonsense. What is the benefit of teaching such a complicated means to the end?

I was in an accelerated group for math as well. The upshot was that I ended up spending a lot of math classes in a separate room teaching others who struggled. I remember going endlessly through long division and the multiplication tables with them.

I feel that math teaches one not only the steps to solve mathematical problems but also the foundational skills required for logic. We should not allow are society to lose these skills to automation. It would be a very very sad situation if our kids are no longer taught to think critically.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I think it's a prerequisite to the job. They need to sample the wares often when there's no customers - down time. It's probably dependent on where you work. I notice some cannabis shops in our area (legal) seem more laid back then some.

Before legal at the medical dispensaries (before last July) I would smell cannabis smoke lingering in the air often. I don't notice that any longer but notice the budtenders sometimes appear to be pretty high.

I'm a medical patient so I get a discount of around 9 percent no sales tax, the tender shouldn't have charged me the other day. He had to start the transaction all over again, then gave me back my money and started over. I think the state is so strict he had to do it that way, not sure. He just disregarded the first transaction. I thought he would have just used a calculator to figure the difference.

The shops need to be careful because they are watched over by the state, how closely I don't know. With legal there are a lot of regulations. Be careful what you wish for.
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Well-Known Member
Are dispensary budtenders stoned out while working?

I just placed an order online with my favourite dispensary. I took advantage of a sales promotion that included $5 discounts for a few items and the remaining items discounted at 10%. All this meant that my order subtotal needed to be adjusted to include the discounts before the dreaded 13% tax was applied.

They sent me an invoice that had no resemblance to the math rules. It turns out that the girl the other end had to make the adjustment manually and just couldn't pull it off. I just exchanged 8 emails with her, before she got it right.

Do you think that she is stoned on the job? I'm stoned right now and can manage simple arithmetic.

Or is this a symptom of an automated world?

Last week I bought a tea at Tim Hortons. I had some change in my pocket, counted out the exact amount and gave it to the cashier. This seemingly completely threw her for a loop. She had difficulty adding up the nickels, dimes and quarters. First she made little piles of the dimes and quarters and nickels. Then she counted how many of each. Then she tried to figure out what each pile represented before trying to come to a total. I have never seen anyone have such trouble counting change.

Remember when cashiers manually figured out your change back from the money presented to them for a purchase? Now, it is calculated automatically by the cash register. Plus, most of the time purchases are completed with a card, not hard cold cash.

Is math a dead skill?
No, not stoned. Merely ignorant.

Try to find someone who knows how to count out change. Not just calculate your change, but give it to you in a way that counts it out, i.e. $13.49, here is 51 cents to make $14 and 6$ makes $20. Hard to find even that low level of competence behind a counter these days.


Well-Known Member
Math, that’s is becoming a skill like basic auto mechanics, butchery, carpentry, etc. Another unneeded skill going untaught and unlearned by an increasing portion of the populace. The right or wrong of such a change is really dependant on ones perspective in the end.

Maths is mostly taught to funnel them into capitalism based jobs if you ask me most of it is not for me. I would actually like to learn carpentry infact i now regret not doing it because a bit of carpentry skills a shipping container and a poly tunnel and you can in my opinion thrive without much maths skills. Infact for someone so bad at maths i seem to be the only person around me thinking critically about a mortage for something like the above based on the amount you would spend anyways in a shop or on rental.

For example if i live another 34 years and keep paying 1800 bucks year on the black market you can do the maths that a home grown even while risky would be worth 61 thousand bucks. And i am doing this with any kind of pot vegetable i consume i estimate being landless that if i had just one polytunnel i could probably save myself around 110 thousand over just 34 years on produce including simple things like berry fruits and cannabis. But i could never do this without my calculator lol i would be here for an eternity with my fingers.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Is math a dead skill?
Not just math.

One of my favorites is when the total is just over $15 (like say $15.36) and I give them $21. More than half the time they look at me and say "you give me $21?" - yes, I want a single $5 bill back instead four ones tyvm
I love the look of bewilderment on their faces, 'You've given me too much???'

Have you all helped your kids with their math homework lately.
Yes HD and I love it, the first time I got adding, multiplying etc etc fractions was the other day with my little one. She was so proud 'I'd got it'. Good effort they say these days. WTF. I'd forgotten it all again within a minute.
I'm pretty good at maths but some of the ways they explain shit these days is beyond complicated.
I can see why parents don't help with homework.

Hard to find even that low level of competence behind a counter these days
Anywhere sometimes not just behind a counter.

In the UK subjects are taught with the sole intent of making the end of year grades look good, we turn out record amounts of students with the best grades ever but they can't add up or spell.

Back on point, it all depends on how you perceive the word 'stoned', I can be stoned but still function at work.
Every budtender should have an insight into the products they have, it's not like wine tasting where you have a spittoon, so yes getting stoned is part of the job.

Being stoned and unable to do that job is a unacceptable.


My Mind Is Free
Could count change like a pro when I was sixteen working a taco bell register. It was learning the buttons that was the bitch.

Hold the lettuce/extra tomato....? Fuck you very much at first :p
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