Anyone watching Louie

I just ask because it's kind of awesome when you find a new show that you see real genuine comedic and even artistic value in, and I feel that way about this show. It's a great, low-key, almost indie kind of comedy, like a sadder, more realistic, more humble Curb.

Hulu has three episodes up:

It's free and legit, they just want your email to prove your age.


Active Member
It's on netflix instant as well, the whole first season.

Louie is a really great show. My two favorites are the Southern Tour episode and the Catholic School one. The one in Alabama was just pure genius, everything about it was on point. And the Catholic School one is so personal and emotional, a show hasn't made me feel like that since the simpsons. It's great really, I recommend it.


Well-Known Member
If you love Louie check out "Lucky Louie", its a more sitcom type show he did earlier that isnt quite as amazing but its still miles ahead of 99% of sitcoms out there (and it was only like 1 or 2 seasons).


Well-Known Member
Fantastic show, Louie's writing is amazing. He got snubbed in the Emmies if you ask me.


Darth Vapor
Dont have much time to post but Louie is awesome. Not as funny as season 1, but it has drama and is very unique. Have you seen Lucky Louie? A show that only went one season on HBO, possibly the funniest show ever.


Funny, I just DL'd all of Lucky Louie yesterday and watched all 12 episodes. Many good laughs I must say. No holds barred.
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