Holy. Fucking. Shit... Fuck.
What.... what..... ???
Everybody is kind of sad and miserable drowning in alcohol.
Hey, lets be fair. Jesse is still rocking a bong!
yeh i agree, the last season should be incendiary!!! (am i allowed to use that word on a vape forum?? lool)I think the end of this episode was "the calm before the storm".
I want to watch this show but I can't get past the first few episodes. I can't take the stress. My palms are just dripping sweat most of the time. It is an amazingly well acted show. I also love the main actor, always liked his worked. I am actually annoyed that it is SOOO GOOD and intense that I can't handle it! I wish I could take more intense situations... but I had something happen in my life. I can't handle stress like that as well as I used to.
Oh man, that's extremely unfortunateAt least you won't be forced to go through months of BrBa withdrawal waiting for the second half of season 5.
I wish I wouldn't have gotten hooked until *after* the show finished.
I did that with Burn Notice. I watched through season 5 and season 6 just started. I went from watching it nightly to having to wait for a week ore more.
I may watch breaking bad... I really do want to. I mean it was freaking brilliant the episodes I saw.
I do know what you mean about the anxiety from watching the show. The thing is, once you get a few more episodes in you'll get so hooked on the characters and the story that you can't help but keep watching. And you've got 4 1/2 seasons to catch up to, so it should take you a good while.
I should get into Burn Notice.
I did the same when I first started watching. VERY addictive.i done the first 4 seasons in just over a week, SERIOUS addiction!!
Next summer
+1I hope you're f-ing with me...
edit: you're not. What a prick move on AMC's behalf.