I'm feeling so many conflicting emotions having just finished the episode.
The amount of variables one would have to consider to even begin to attempt that clubhouse bullshit, is unfathomable.
It's going to have to settle more before I can read between the lines. I just hope there's something to be read.
I feel like Odenkirk stole my wallet.
Well, we kinda knew it would go like this. I was mentioning a while back on another msg board about BB and how it is 'nu-magical realism'. The clubhouse hit sort of seals it. That rotating M60 at waist height was absolutely a fantastical element (or as we like to say, Bullshit) and being able to 'save' jesse, and his daughter's future and kill everyone he needed to was a bit too neat and tidy and Jesse got to kill Todd, and there was closure on grey matter, and Skyler and Marie made up, and Badger and Skinny P can pretend to be hitman and Walt can find them easily and... and..
and how exactly did Walt make it out of nowhere bumfuck NH which has only 2 roads without getting caught again? Oh right, they skipped that part and all the other parts where it was obviously impossible
On the flip side every episode leading up to this was breakneck and awesome. It was a better final episode than Sopranos, Deadwood, Farscape, Firefly, Rome, Carnivale etc...
So even tho it was kind of a let down... it was still a better finale than almost every other TV show ever. Endings don't exist in real life, that's why they often seem absurd in fiction...
But yeah, the rotating M60 Trojan horse scam was totally redonk.
and I think that brings us back to why Vince Gilligan, the hottest TV producer in hollywood, was fired from the Sopranos IMO... he sneaks out of realism and into nu-magical realism when you least expect him to.
Oh and if you really want to watch some horseshit bullshit nonsense fake realism

Check out the first 50 minutes of
The Dark Knight Rises, that fucking movie sits on your face and asks you if you smell realism yet.