Anyone vape Mapacho?


Well-Known Member
I recently finished curing my mapacho (nicotina rustica) and have been able to vape it a few times now. I never really smoked any kind of tobacco, only tried a hookah once when i was pretty drunk at a new years party :D, but it wasn't something i ever really tried sober. I have a few questions though, if anyone can offer some input on the matter its greatly appreciated.

1. is it normal to get a strange not quite irritating, but scratchiness in your throat from tobacco? Its definitely different than the feeling i get from cannabis, more like a constriction feeling that lasts for a few seconds after i exhale my hit. Is this due to the nicotine?

2. What benefit does curing offer to the vapor of tobacco? I can attest that it makes it smoother, but i still get that scratchy constriction feeling from my cured v. uncured mapacho.

3. For those who have tried both, ie regular tobacco v. mapacho, what differences do you notice with vaping mapacho? how much more potent would you say it is?

4. Temps? I usually just MFLB my mapacho the same was as the herb, and with my woodeez i don't change the temp from my herb setting.

Any information on vaporizing mapacho is welcome.



Well-Known Member
I sometimes smoke joints woth tobacco since all of my friends smoke that way, I don't lik ot but sometimes I just take a few small hits because I like the ritual of passing a joint around a circle
and that scratchiness in the throat/feeling as if your throat has dust stuck to the inside is one of the reasons I dont like tobacco, the burning of pure weedsmoke feels deeper down and is way easier to ignore/get used to, and goes away quicker

how do you like the effect? personally I can't stand the effect tobacco gives me...(giant headrush, have to sit down and feel nauseous)


Out to lunch
Rico420 said:
Its definitely different than the feeling i get from cannabis, more like a constriction feeling that lasts for a few seconds after i exhale my hit. Is this due to the nicotine?
Not sure it accounts for your feeling, but nicotine does constrict blood vessels.


Well-Known Member
I find it enjoyable, especially when I'm using entheogens and do not wish to cloud things with herb. Its used shamanically in this way, and partly this is what drew me to mapacho. Its definately mildly stimulating, then tapers off into relaxation. I Never really felt nauseous from mapacho, but i can say it can give you a headrush if you take large tokes. Maybe i should think about getting some quality pipe tobacco to have as a comparison.

It's widely speculated and possibly scientifically proven that mapacho contains a very different alkaloid profile than regular tobacco, what would really be great is if someone who has tried both could chime in with a comparison. The most interesting part of this to me is a higher concentration of the maoi's harman and norharman, both present in both species of tobacco. As well, higher nicotine concentrations and possible natural analog's of nicotine are present.

As far as the irritation goes, its very short lived, i can honestly say that the particular feeling i get from cannabis vapor lasts longer than the mapacho scratchiness. I enjoy it less than the feeling from cannabis, but then again the lingering affects of quasi-astmha i get from even cannabis vapor are not present with mapacho. I feel it actually helps airflow in the lungs (as vapor). I cannot speculate on smoking mapacho, as i have not done so yet.
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