Anyone here a singer who constantly vapes?


Well-Known Member
I just got a plenty a few weeks ago and I've been vaping nonstop almost daily ever since. The main reason I got it was so I could be high and not worry about my voice/health, but I do get harshness in my throats/lungs from it and lately my voice has been really raspy/cracking, in a way that feels much worse than smoking. Any advice on better techniques to vape where it keeps your voice intact and doesn't feel so much like smoking?


Well-Known Member
I just got a plenty a few weeks ago and I've been vaping nonstop almost daily ever since. The main reason I got it was so I could be high and not worry about my voice/health, but I do get harshness in my throats/lungs from it and lately my voice has been really raspy/cracking, in a way that feels much worse than smoking. Any advice on better techniques to vape where it keeps your voice intact and doesn't feel so much like smoking?
I'm guessing you can probably use some moisture. The Plenty is not ideal for pairing with water but you could probably rig up a whip and run it through a small bubbler to add some moisture to the vapor.

Also if you are cranked up to get clouds that probably doesn't help. Maybe turn the heat down a bit. At least until your voice gets better.


For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky
Vapor is much less irritating than smoke -- you definitely did your voice a favor by switching. :tup:

With that said, sometimes vapor can be a bit harsh. There's a few different ways to remedy this. The first is to lower the temperature you're vaping at. Lower temp vapor is much less irritating than high temp vapor. Also, you can simply take smaller hits. Several small "sips" of vapor will get you just as medicated as one giant rip would, but without as much risk of coughing and/or irritation. Finally, you can look into using a bubbler to water condition the vapor. The water will cool and moisturize the vapor, making it much less irritating.

I don't know how much or for how long you smoked before switching to vaping, but maybe the raspy/cracking voice could stem from your body starting to clear out all the nasty combustion junk from your lungs? :shrug: I don't know, just a thought. I know it took me a while before my lungs were completely cleared out, and I only smoked for a handful of years...

Anyway, I hope this helps, and I wish you luck. Oh, and welcome to FC by the way! :wave:


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I just got a plenty a few weeks ago and I've been vaping nonstop almost daily ever since. The main reason I got it was so I could be high and not worry about my voice/health, but I do get harshness in my throats/lungs from it and lately my voice has been really raspy/cracking, in a way that feels much worse than smoking. Any advice on better techniques to vape where it keeps your voice intact and doesn't feel so much like smoking?
You need to turn your temperature down. Smoking a joint cannot be better for a singer's voice than vaporizing.:spliff: You may need a different vaporizer or water filtration. I've heard others say that the Plenty gave them a dry throat, I've heard them say that about the Crafty too.

But any vaporizer will dry your throat. That's one of the side effects of cannabis is a dry throat.:lol:

I sing, but I'm not singing for my supper (making a living at it). If I go too much past temp 391 I use a water tool or an extended mouthpiece. It's just more comfortable. Drink lots of water too, I can't emphasize that enough. Everything in moderation. Maybe you are too enthusiastic about vaping and doing it too much?

Some cannabis has a smoother taste on the throat than other cannabis. I like a strain called Perma Frost it's smooth and cool on the throat.
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Crohn's Warrior
I just got a plenty a few weeks ago and I've been vaping nonstop almost daily ever since. The main reason I got it was so I could be high and not worry about my voice/health, but I do get harshness in my throats/lungs from it and lately my voice has been really raspy/cracking, in a way that feels much worse than smoking. Any advice on better techniques to vape where it keeps your voice intact and doesn't feel so much like smoking?
Classically trained singer here. I vape all the time. I would turn down the temp and use a water tool.


Well-Known Member
I just got a plenty a few weeks ago and I've been vaping nonstop almost daily ever since. The main reason I got it was so I could be high and not worry about my voice/health, but I do get harshness in my throats/lungs from it and lately my voice has been really raspy/cracking, in a way that feels much worse than smoking. Any advice on better techniques to vape where it keeps your voice intact and doesn't feel so much like smoking?
Yes, I am. I have never had any real problems with my throat and singing (and I was a heavy, heavy chain smoker of cigarettes when I was doing the most of my performing). Still, there was definitely irritation and upper respiratory infections from time to time (and some vocal styles will exacerbate this more than others!).

On the other hand, just ask Tom Waits if smoking hindered his singing career ;) lol

It is definitely possible to irritate your throat smoking or vaping dry straight from the vape (especially at higher temps!). You really need to get a good water pipe with sufficient diffusion to take the edge off the vapor before it gets into you in order to save your voice some ;)

I find that dry vapor is super hot and harsh generally and never vape direct from the vaporizer with any device.


Well-Known Member
Not a singer but I am an instrumentalist.
However, I remember when I switched to vaping from being a relatively heavy smoker that vaping would scratch my throat and have me coughing up a lung nearly every hit! THC gets you high but it's also an expectorant and bronchial dilator (if I'm not mistaken).
A lot of people on FC say the adjustment to vaporizing takes about 2 weeks if you're a smoker. The cilia hairs in your airway stop being paralyzed by smoke and with the expectorant properties of herb you will push out so much bullshit you probably didn't even know was there! The lungs are the most direct way to the heart- quitting smoking improves your whole cardio system 100%!


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot guys. I'd been smoking really frequently only for about 6 months before I got the plenty, but I'd say that in the past few weeks I've been vaping more frequently than I've ever smoked. It's funny how vaping feels way worse for my body than smoking with a bubbler ever did lol.


Unknown Member
Moderation is key. Consume just what is needed and come back to it later if you need more. I find if I know I'll need pain relief I'll just eat an edible before I leave and right after I'll have a quick session. Usually they're timed out so I'm usually okay without feeling overly "burnt"


taste buds
I just got a plenty a few weeks ago and I've been vaping nonstop almost daily ever since. The main reason I got it was so I could be high and not worry about my voice/health, but I do get harshness in my throats/lungs from it and lately my voice has been really raspy/cracking, in a way that feels much worse than smoking. Any advice on better techniques to vape where it keeps your voice intact and doesn't feel so much like smoking?
I quit combusting just over a month ago. First I got a portable and then a plug in unit. I vaped myself silly for the first month, exploring the possibilities so to speak.

My throat definitely suffered a bit, but seems better already. I believe there are several reasons for this.

First of all, use the lowest effective temperature for you. This will ensure the smoothest hits possible. Also, when I started vaping I overdid it a bit because it's so great plus I was trying to figure out what worked for me.

Another important point is that when quitting combusting your lungs will clear themselves out and you will feel sick. I noticed this when I quit smoking tobacco 3 years ago. I quit nicotine cold turkey, no e-cigs for me. Even though I was still smoking cannabis medically, my lungs still cleared out quite a bit and I had a "sick" spell. I guess that's what happens when you start smoking an ounce less per day (iirc approximately the tobacco content of a pack of cigarettes).

Back to the point, I've noticed the same thing when quitting combusting cannabis, even though I never smoked nearly as much as I did tobacco. The second and third week of vaping/being combustion free, my throat was dry and irritated. From what I read about quitting tobacco that's just your lungs clearing out tar and toxins from combustion.

During that same time I experimented with temps to find the ideal ranges for me. Now I can say I rarely get throat irritation, even though I use a direct draw vape with a dry stem almost exclusively. I'm hopeful that once I get my water piece, throat irritation will be a thing of the past.
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