Anybody use Kava?


Well-Known Member
I just started using this spray called 1 Hour Break which uses Kava as the main ingredient. I am very skeptical about herbal products, and it wasn't my idea to get it -- it was given to me as a recommendation for stress. I have had it for about 3 weeks now but have only had 2 sessions with it. It sits in my drawer at work and I don't usually think to use it much.

I just did it 20 minutes ago (about 14 sprays under the tongue to see what the higher end of their recommendation feels like) and to me, I think there is definitely something to it beyond the placebo effect. I can say I feel more calm. It burns when you spray a lot of it under your tongue and then you feel kind of numb there. Kinda fun though and I feel pretty good. It's hard to describe what it feels like. And it isn't much but it is something (don't expect it to be a benzo.. hah).

I hear a lot of Kava products on the market are exaggerated BS and you need the root or something. I am glad to see that what I got a hold of doesn't seem like pure hype. I don't want to rely on it and make a habit out of using it and depending on it to relax though because I honestly haven't researched too much about it. I read some stuff about how it may not be good for your liver, but it's disputed since the original study apparently used subjects who were intoxicated from other substances too.

Anybody have experience with Kava?

Edit: Yeah.. I bet this would be quite enjoyable with vaping. Especially if you only have sativa and are looking for more of that relaxation in the body. Indica + Kava would feel very damn relaxing I bet.
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Space is the Place
I Vaporize dry ground Kava Kava and receive great effects . It is calming and gives a great sense of wellbeing it works better for me than taking a Xanax in situations that make me anxious (Large crowds in large buildings and such ) While keeping a clear head . Also found I have a lot more patience in interacting with others . There are no real studies I know of on the longterm affects of or any affects of kava kava when vaporized as its pretty much here to fore an untread path .


Well-Known Member
I Vaporize dry ground Kava Kava and receive great effects . It is calming and gives a great sense of wellbeing it works better for me than taking a Xanax in situations that make me anxious (Large crowds in large buildings and such ) While keeping a clear head . Also found I have a lot more patience in interacting with others . There are no real studies I know of on the longterm affects of or any affects of kava kava when vaporized as its pretty much here to fore an untread path .

Dude I just noticed that! I can relate to what you mean. Where do you order your Kava to vaporize? I usually go to BBB for herbal stuff, will have to see how much they sell it for.
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Baked & Fried
i love kava.. i used to use it a lot years back.. and lately i have played w/ some.. iv'e always been a kava fan.. only use powdered root though.. or a good co2 extract.. i have never tried any tinctures.. i like to drink it, but vaping it is interesting too.. i have tried kava from different places.. and they offer different concentrations of different actives.. like different herb strains.. they are all similar, but some are much heavier physically and some are more cerebral.. to comparing kava from Hawaii vs. kava from Fiji.. i preferred Fiji, it is more physically sedating IME. i have tried enough to know it definitely works.. as long as you get good root powder.. it is especially noticeable in social situations.. its not every ones flavor though, but i love it.. i had always wanted to get my hands on some Tudei Kava, and also few others.. but never got around to it.. i haven't looked into it in a while.. but when i was really into kava there was really very little info on it.. nothing close to the info we have on herb.. i wonder if that has progressed since i last checked.

the liver thing is controversial.. what i understood was, European herbal supplement companies were buying all the waste product of the kava plant and capping it up and selling it as kava.. aside from the root being where most all the good stuff is at.. i believe they later found out the skin from stems and leaves of the kava plant have a toxin in them that is bad on the liver/kidneys.. that's why in the US you don't see kava too much, but you see valerian and st johns wort etc... and if you do see kava its garbage capsules most always.. i believe now they at least are making the capsules out of root only.. but i would avoid those they are way over priced and very weak.. anyway that controversy is why kava is still not as popular out side of the pacific islands.. they have been using kava root for ever, w/o reports of the liver failure from it..
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Space is the Place
I don't remember the webstores name now but I found it by searching Kava Kava Root on bing . Its a company out of Hawaii they sell it by the pound to make kava drink . Some powdered products and some whole root or pieces . Get powdered as Kava is very hard to grind . Sorry I can't be more help with the site name . When I ordered though I was really trying to get some from the south pacific at the time shipping cost put a stop to that . Good luck to you , hope you find a supply .


New Member
I used to do Kava all the time. It really helped with my anxiety, but after awhile it started to cause my skin to turn red and edematous the next day. It's almost like a delayed allergic reaction. I thought I just needed a break from it for awhile, so I waited 6 months and tried it again and the same thing happened. I really wish I could do Kava again. It is the BEST for anxiety.

Buy Kava root powder, and make it into a drink. It tastes GOD-AWFUL, but that is the most effective way, at least for me. Watch out for Kava Supplements in tablet forms. They don't work unless it specifically lists how much Kavalectones it contains. (Usually 30%.)

There is a condition called Kava Dermopathy that causes your skin to become really dry and flaky if you consume Kava too often. It's quite common in the Pacific. So make sure you take breaks.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Recently started experimenting with kava. Id seen it a few times when picking up kratom but never thought much of it. Decided to finally give it a shot after reading about it's anti-anxiety effects.

Initially, I tried a more heady strain (Vula Waka) and was not impressed. Tried vaping on it and there was very little relief from the anxiety I've been experiencing from weed lately. The next day I gave a more heavy strain a go (borongoru) with a bit more success. With more of a mellow feeling strain Ive been able to almost completely overcome this recent anxiety.

I've always felt some stress from thc. These days it's been alot harder to overcome without the help of some sort of outlet. Im definitely gona keep kava around.
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Well-Known Member
@withoutbliss I’ve had more anxiety issues lately too, and what’s worked best for me is more CBD (higher CBD strains mixed in with others, added CBD extracts, or just straight CBD drops and/or vapor before other things, but that can reduce the psychoactivity of THC if that’s what you’re using it for. I’m a medical user, so that aspect is less important to me.

I also have better luck sometimes starting with edibles and then adding vapor, but that may not work for everyone.

What seems to trigger anxiety the most is when I get a larger than normal dose all at once. A high edible dose (especially if it’s using a THC heavy extract rather than whole plant or higher CBD) can be overwhelming, and even several moderate to large draws over a fairly short time won’t do me in like one huge one. :zombie:

Back on topic, Kava does sound interesting, but I’m not sure I’d be comfortable using it regularly for anxiety based on what you’ve all said about it. I just have less reservations about high CBD cannabis, and worrying about something you’re taking to reduce anxiety is a bit counterproductive. ;)


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
I'm thinkin the same thing @VaporWare. Using any substance as a crutch isn't ideal for the long term. Experimenting with new herbs/substances has always been a favorite passtime for me so I'm down to jump on the kava train for a bit.

My current thc regimen is extremely low. I've been microdosing by mixing thc with cbd herbs at a ratio of 20:1. This helps immensely but I still feel anxiety towards the end of the day.

Luckily without thc I have close to no anxiety. If I didn't partake I'd probly stick with cbd as my main outlet for stress; and eventually meditation only.
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Active Member
I Vaporize dry ground Kava Kava and receive great effects . It is calming and gives a great sense of wellbeing it works better for me than taking a Xanax in situations that make me anxious (Large crowds in large buildings and such ) While keeping a clear head . Also found I have a lot more patience in interacting with others . There are no real studies I know of on the longterm affects of or any affects of kava kava when vaporized as its pretty much here to fore an untread path .
I’m sorry but you vape kava? The powder?! I used to buy the root whole from Hawaii, and grind and soak traditionally, but you vape it?!
Doesn’t it numb your mouth like drinking the water soaked pulp? I loved kava but hated that taste


Space is the Place
I haven't had any for a few years now but yeah I vaped ground kava root, the taste is odd but you kinda get used to it and yes you can end up with a numb mouth if you vape a lot. . .

Magic Flight used to sell a concentrate kava that you dab with and it was pretty good.
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