Harry Mooseknuckle
I was at outer limits(a head shop in bmore) and I was talking to this old guy about vaporizers and he showed me this (enjoy my mad ms paint skillz)
Anyway does anyone know who makes it or have any info on it. Its about 3.5 inches long and about half an inch thick, the outershell on this one was made from a blue plastic the front screws off and you throw in your stuff and then light at the stainless end. They had a bunch of them I think there were different colors but I wasn't paying attention and I forgot to get pics. They want $70 I'd like to here some reviews pros and cons that type of stuff if anyone has or has tried it. I think for a portable based on style I like it better than the vapor genie because there isn't a bowl so I think itd be easier to tote around.

Anyway does anyone know who makes it or have any info on it. Its about 3.5 inches long and about half an inch thick, the outershell on this one was made from a blue plastic the front screws off and you throw in your stuff and then light at the stainless end. They had a bunch of them I think there were different colors but I wasn't paying attention and I forgot to get pics. They want $70 I'd like to here some reviews pros and cons that type of stuff if anyone has or has tried it. I think for a portable based on style I like it better than the vapor genie because there isn't a bowl so I think itd be easier to tote around.