Anybody else watch 'The Bowery Boys'?


Unconscious Objector
Most often with Slip, Satch and the gang (and Louie of course!); but sometimes with Muggs and Glimpy if you wanna go back a bit further. Used to watch them on Sunday mornings as a kid. Now they show up on TCM Saturday mornings at 10:30 AM EST/9:30 AM CST/7:30 AM PST. Within the next year, WB will release all of the movies on DVD (no Dead End Kids or East Side Kids).

So anyone up for comedy from the 30's, 40's and 50's?

Fibber McGee & Molly?

Aldrich Family?

The Great Gildersleeves?

Old Time Radio?



Lost in Thought
Nope, sounds like you are just an old (read ancient) man :p

I really wanted to be a 60s burn out but I was born a little too late. I think the closest to that era of humor that I recall was an old LP of Hudson and Landry that my grandfather gave me years ago.
Talk about gold (even to this day)


Huntz Hall closely resembles Rick Nielsen from Cheap Trick. Used to love The Bowery Boys.


Unconscious Objector
Hunzt Hall was arrested for marijuana possession in the 40's :)

Yes, he does look like Rick Nielsen. Good catch!

For anyone who is interested there is a Bowery Boys marathon on Friday July 23rd from about 5 am until 11 pm on TCM.

Routine # 27



Well-Known Member
Routine #27 ?! I could never remember Routine A ! Great show, great memories. Thank god
no one has tried to do a remake!:uhoh:


Well-Known Member
Used to watch Bowery Boys. Back in the days when UHF was something you had to 'tune' in and maybe 4 channel choices. You could sorta find something to watch. Now 65 channels and almost nothing to watch.

Always enjoyed Gildy on the radio. Was it his 'little' niece that had all the great lines?

Ahhh, the old (I mean ancient) days... :cool:
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