Damnit now you guys have me wanting all kinds of pro-techs! I had somehow glanced completley over them until your good word towards them deadshort. they have some really nice looking knifes! A model or two might bump a few things off my list now...
Anyway I got my swindle and my HTM DDR Madd Maxx 5.5 today, what a great day!
I took some pictures but I can't seem to find my phone cord, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.
However, I really like them both. The Madd Maxx I knew would be very big, and when I pulled it out of the box I pretty much instantly decided it was not going to stay around long. However the more I play with it the faster that is changing. It's a bummer I won't ever actually use it though, I have size small hands so pulling it out in public would look like a broadsword to some. Because of that I was going to throw it up for trade, but I'm thinking it might stay around now, I keep reaching for it over almost all of my knives to play with. It just feels great in the hand.
Besides the size my only other concern with it is it has pretty late lockup. I'm new to titanium framelocks, and I'd guestimate this ones lock up at 60-70%. Should I worried about this wearing down further in the future you think?
Now onto the swindle. The swindle exactly what I had hoped. It's a little heavier than I thought it would be, and I would throw tons of money for one with titanium handles and a premium bladesteel. Other than that it is basically perfect. The IKBS flipper action is incredibly smooth and lightning fast. The force required to move the lockbar over is ideal for me sitting around opening and closing it, my ddr for example requires a bit too much force to open and close indefinitely. The unique pocket clip on it seems to function just fine, I don't really favor it over any other clips, but it does its job and gives it a nice sleek look imo. The knife as a whole is pretty much spot on my ideal EDC size.(possibly too small for some).
I would really recommend the swindle if you like to endlessly play with a knife while you sit around. It is more of a urban/office edc however, I don't see it holding up well to hard outdoor use or anything.
Sorry if this is a bit rambly, I tend to browse FC after medicating