No longer dogless
I have one of those Klingon-type ones.I'm not a big knife guy, but when I was in middle school my friends and I would watch this show (not only because we liked looking at the knives but also because of how cheesy the show was and how often they would get hurt) on late night basic cable (a couple of stations below the scrambled porn... which you could still hear clearly, lol).
Anyone remember this?
edit - also this:
Don't know how I missed this thread before. I've been a HUGE blade collector for over 25 years - knives, swords, axes, tomahawks. Got more into them when I was both a chef and a historian - tons of the history of tech is related to blades. And my ex-wife is a Sikh, their symbol is a knife. Damn woman took half my collection when we got divorced.
My best pieces are a real wootz blade, steel by Ivan Kirpichev (one of two modern producers of true wootz that I know of), blade by Oleg Krymlin, and an at least 200 year old Thai sword made by the former royal smiths, with part of sections of the Dhammapada inscribed on the blade in Pali. And a Paul Chen tai chi sword and a Paul Chen pattern-welded scramasaxe, and a V-42 stiletto. Need to take some pics.
My best balanced sword is a Marto museum-grade replica of an Imperial Mongol cavalry saber, whose balance is so perfect it is easier to wield single-handed than swords half its size - even more impressive than my best samurai blades. One of the reasons (along with their bows) that the Mongols kicked so much ass (I'm part Mongol myself, and studied a good deal of Mongol tech history in may academic days).
Also have a batleth, numerous gurkhas, two falcatas, 5 rapiers, a claymore, , a Russian WWII officers sword, a Pompeiian-type gladius, a Roman military axe, four sets of samurai swords, a Pueblo tomahawk, a 200 year old Persian kindjal, two Tibetan purbhas, various Lord of the Rings swords, and numerous ritual blades from when I was a witch, including an athame an a Druid sickle. Plus my culinary blades - a Wusthof kochmesser, a Wusthof boning knife, a Henckels santoku, a pattern-welded paring knife. And various folders, switchblades and small sheath knives. And a Winchester bowie.