@OF , more than just focusing on particle size, what is really called for is some broad, indepth investigation into what makes each vaporizer so different.
The vapor from different units can be so different it is literally a different substance, with different effects physical and mental. I have a personal interest in this as I have serious and unusual allergy issues and I react very differently to different vaporizers.
Even when the usual logical variables don't make sense. For example I recently tried the Flowerpot Showerhead. I just cannot use it at all. My allergic respiratory response is far greater, and just too severe to put up with. This is at any temp, any hit size.
The FPSH delivers the smoothest, tastiest vapor ever. So easy to take in large hits you don't even feel it going in or in your lungs to hold, then blow out a huge cloud.
The materials are Ti basically. The Herborizer Ti, I borrowed it to compare to the FP reaction.
I dont have any bad reaction to the Herbo Ti which isn't in line with and fully explained by the usual variables such as my allergy to weed and vapor, hit size, heat etc.
The materials and vapor output are very very similar with both devices. Yet one causes an apparent severe allergy type reaction in my lungs which is very specific to the FP, and the Herbo Ti does not and is very well tolerated.
The FPSH vapor has something very different about it. They are all proclaiming it to be like flower dabbing, superiour to concentrates. The medicating power and sheer smoothness and pleasantness of the buzz from the FPSH is far better than the Herbo Ti.
The SH just seems to deliver the broad range and deep reaching medicinal action of the herb more effevtively, efficiently and cleanly than any other vaporizer I have personally used (a good few big hitters included).
The water tool also has a very strong disstinctive pong to it with the SH and needs a clean more often. Reclaim goo starts to collect on the glass much faster than normal, with my XL Herborizer and the Ti as well, it just isnt noticeable.
With the FPSH it is visible in a single day. The ABV also has a VERY strange and strong smell to it. Not unpleasant, just unique. Almost a little "petrolly". And it stays remarkably light and uniform in color at lower temps (500-600F).
I also used hemp fiber to stop particles. After 2 small bowls it was really sticky. I used too much and it was blocking the flow. I vaped a piece of the hemp fiber in the SH and it gave me a bigger and better hit than the 2 bowls together. It was like a dab, and I have neve done a dab lol!

There is something different about the form of the vapor. It is in more of un untarnished, untransformed "oil" state.
Anyway, I honestly dont know what it is. It could be the unadultarated nature of the compounds which triggers a greater allergic response in my lungs, being more pure and powerful hence the immune reaction is upped. Just one thought I have.
Still very strange though. There is literally physics alchemy taking place here (I love that word!)
Both the FP and Herbo Ti heat air passing super hot Titanium to produce similar sized clouds, very similar airflow and hit size. Power still close, the Ti is a top desktop, but there is something very special and advanced about the way the Showerhead turns green herb into vaporized actives.
What governs these massive variations? Why are different but very similar units so vastly different in the pure nature of the vapor they produce, with noticeably different effects, far more so for some individuals?
I would LOVE to know this. I am currently uaing the XL Herborizer and the Ti vapcap. But I want a better, more current desktop (XL is 12 years old and is a slow extractor), with faster extraction and more powerful effects- less medicating time and smaller loads as well for fast extraction.
The Herbo Ti is the best option I know of currently which I know I can use. But I don't believe it is the best vape, or offers the best quality and most potent vapor, having now tried the Showerhead that is.
The Showerhead won't work for me.
I am very soon about to try another recent and revolutionary heavy hitting desktop, which has it's own special alchemy extraction.
Very close and similar to the FPSH I believe in terms of vapor purity, extraction power, hit size etc. But different materials though, more "neutral". I won't say more, it is still a secret actually.
If it doesn't work for me, I will learn some more and have more to consider. Likewise if it does work and matches the power and purity of the FP.
@OF , see what you can find out on this very understudied topic, and PLEASE let me know what the explanation is. Thank you in advance for solving this riddle for me and have a very nice day.