any hookah people up in here?


Well-Known Member
Ive always enjoyed some hookah.

I went to live in the middle east for a month to study arabic and i loved doing it daily. i brought one home from jordan and its turned to shit as time has passed on.

does anyone know of a good online place to shop for hookahs and accessories? there are alot of them out there, but its hard to sort through them!


Well-Known Member
where are you located? Hookah bars seem to be popping up all over.

have you tried any of the non-tobacco, tea shisha?


Cloud Master
I used to toke everyday from my hookah. I lived in Egypt for a bit and loved the experience so I brought 2 hookas at home. That was before discovering mj, then it replaced almost entirely the experience, now my whip herborizer is like a vapor-hookah ;)


Well-Known Member
I have only done it a few times, it's nice but my sense of smell isn't that well so sometimes I don't taste anything with a hookah
it's funny tough how your voice gets lower when talking while exhaling a hookahhit, opposite helium


Well-Known Member
Not a huge fan personally, did it quite a bit when it was new and a novelty but bored of it quickly and just hit my SSV these days.

Funnily enough when i was into smoking i found adding herb to the hookah really got me high.


Cloud Master
djonkoman said:
I have only done it a few times, it's nice but my sense of smell isn't that well so sometimes I don't taste anything with a hookah
it's funny tough how your voice gets lower when talking while exhaling a hookahhit, opposite helium

Hahaha so true, maybe because the smoke is so dense...and yeah technique I tried few times too, to mix the herb with shisha tobacco, very nice high.


What's Your Function?
Aahhh... the hookah: the world's first vaporizer.

I definitely enjoy a bowl every few days, especially when we have company or if I'm on a t-break.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Hey Guys.. I sold my magick wand but it was a killer hookah vape.. with the bowl stack i manage to load up to 4 g (2 in each bowl) herb... and vaporize it to dark brown.. . Well i had to move on off big hitters .. I hope i don't regret it much.. Anyway to the topic.. Hookah is nice but inahling buring coals.. :puke: ... I recently purchased an electric hookah coal with variable temp LOL.... It comes with stainess steal cover for the top. (no need of alumnium covers) .. It was around 30 with delivery :p> Anyone else uses one ? It something like that :)
Abysmal Vapor,


been wanting to get one, but thus far im still researching styles and choices. suggestions for a hookah forum? been reading at hookahpro lately.


Well-Known Member
Had a big hookah sesh on saturday with a dude from Saudi Arabia and want to share his wisdom!

I've had lots of different brands of shisha, and none came close to the smoothness and flavor of this shisha brand, and its not expensive by any means.

Nahkla Tobacco!

Packs a potent punch, and their best flavor by far is the "double apple" mann oh mann.
Apparently its manufactured in Egypt and one of the oldest shisha makers out there.
one of many internet links selling it


Wych Doctor
Damn. Been a long time since I saw that brand. I have Egyptian family and spent many a summer in Cairo sipping mint tea and smoking a shisha on the street corner cafes with uncles and cousins.

It is a very good make and, as you said, packs a really fruity punch. Personally I find all of those fruit tobaccos too sweet. My favourite, though I haven't seen it outside Egypt, is Black Honey. It's still sweet but has that molasses bitterness as well - very satisfying.


Cloud Master
I smoked the exact same brand in egypt, and got home a big supply of it, my favourite one indeed.
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