I like the way this proves it has so many multi functions yet we have people in power willing to deny our evidence it works different ways for different people. One organic harmless plant now u know why they are shitting themselves over Cannabis.
@Baron23 right on man instead of those harmful addictive opiods i presume you get good quality MJ? Hey the peoplekillers sorry "painkillers" only kill the pain what about the bad moods at having pain though? Again Cannabis multi-functional organic plant.
Unless you have a risk of schizo, hit it hard because last night i slept for 16 hours and woke around 16 times. Still tired as i type this so
@Baron23 that must be horrible. I hope they come up with an even better way soon like sea snail venom + mj as the side effects of that ambien seem to be quite long.
It seems pretty rubbish in all honesty.