Everyone seems to have this romantic concept of Anonymous being some sort of V-For-Vendetta-Esque protective force of freedom and rights, but really, there is no Anonymous. At least not in the sense that everyone is using the word. It's not a group of people. It used to be - but now it isn't. It's a label now, a way of deflecting and hiding from the consequences of the actions people undertake in the pursuits of their own personal goals.
Don't get me wrong; people have done lots of good things under the guise of anonymous. But there has also been an unforgivable amount of bad done also. Leaking databases of innocent peoples information, taking down services used by tens of millions over childish reasons and all sorts of others. How do you know that man was really to the one to drive Amanda Todd to suicide? You don't, and they ones that outed him didn't either. There was no proof. They just wanted a pariah to hoist to the world further the anonymous name, and now his life is irreparably changed for the worse.
I find it hard to keep from laughing the odd time I hear someone claiming to be a member of "Anonymous". As someone who took part in project chanology back in the day, I am personally embarrassed by what has happened to the name of Anonymous. It is not an organized group anymore, it is constantly changing environment of smaller bands of hackers and script kiddies, all with their own values (or lack thereof) all pursuing their own goals while trying to paint themselves as something much bigger than they actually are. And not all of these goals are as rosy and honourable as most would have you believe. Right now most of the members of "Anonymous" seem more interested in mining Bitcoins on stolen servers than doing any good.