Ammonia for cleaning very dirty glass


Well-Known Member
I have a tank of ISO that I drop my glass stems in after I use them. Despite that, after some weeks the stems from my Solo 3 end up looking like this even after a vigorous rub with a q-tip:


For reference, the center stem in both pictures is new and has been used only once.

I have ethanol and ISO around my shop for dissolving shellac (also a plant resin) and ammonia for cleaning it up (much cheaper than ETH or ISO). Ammonia converts the resin to a sort of gel that is easily removed with a bit of friction. If it works for one plant resin, why not another? After a four hour soak in household ammonia, a good rinse, and a vigorous rub with a q-tip this is the result:


There is a bit left, a second or a longer soak would take care of that.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I find soaking really stained glass like a banger etc in SimpleGreen for a day or 3 works a treat when iso etc will not work but still needs the friction as you explained.:tup:

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I find soaking really stained glass like a banger etc in SimpleGreen for a day or 3 works a treat when iso etc will not work but still needs the friction as you explained.:tup:

Yeah and I was going to say dark crystal probably better, these type of deep stains from the conduction do need extra attention
Shit Snacks,
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