
Hello! I happen to be a new Vaporizer user, (Arizer solo) now one of the people who live here, (Don't know i smoke) but the problem is one person is breaking out in hives around the same time as the vapeing (well a little after) but its completely stopped since i stopped smoking when he is here. But when i was they were on the complete opposite side of the house, My room with a towel under it window open Vents closed (though they might still let air through) My question is there a way to Smoke when he is here and have him not break out?


Wych Doctor
You seem to have made a jump in logic and made a correlation where I don't see one. The chances that the vapor your exhaling is making it through your towel blocked door and all the way to the other side of the house seems highly improbable imo.
However, if you really believe that it is the vapor causing the outbreak there are a few things on the market that might help. Checkout as an option.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Its most likely not the vapor making him break out. Its probably something else. Spray anything in the air after? That will do it. I feel sick when the air quality is bad in a closed room, some chemical spray would do it easy. could be a lot of things really. your roommate really needs to pay more attention to his body and he should be able to find whats irritating him.

But a Smokebuddy is a very good suggestion, if you worry about smell, or just prefer to be extra discreet. this device does a great job even with smoke! so vapor works fantastic with it.


Vapor Sloth
+1 for the SmokeBuddy. Using it with vapor is amazing, and it seems to last a very long time. If you are going to purchase one I think Amazon has them a little cheaper than the manufacturer's web site.

Also, is your friend breaking out in hives or is it Shingles? I think they should see a doctor for a professional diagnosis instead of just guessing if this condition persists. Systemic breakouts can be problematic. I had a bad reaction to an IV medication once and broke out in a rash all over my body. If we hadn't suppressed my immune system the way we did, using a medication for organ transplant recipients, I could have died . . .

Edit: BTW . . . it took almost 2 years to fully suppress that rash and reaction, trust me when I say this stuff is serious. Systemic rashes are a big CLUE that something underlying is not right.


Sounds like an episode of House in the making. Digging though the house only to find the Marihuana that you are direct inhaling in your lungs - finding its way though a sealed door down the hall thought 2 more door to his room and has now followed him to the hospital. Again verifying the evils of Marihuana.
If the rash persists he should get looked at. Really. But your vaporizing is not effecting him.


I live in an apartment building and thankfully my floor is tolerant and or oblivious so I'm "off the radar" but there's a handful of psychopaths on different floors who want to cleanse the building of the herbal menace. This one guy two floors up from me, he was a corrections officer at a prison and he has that "wyatt earp syndrome" and has banged on doors, put up alarming notices on every floor, and has called the police on neighbors. What I've heard is that his wife is the one putting him up to this - in one instance they believed that the second hand smoke coming from the floor under them was causing the wife to be unable to get pregnant. I told my neighbor to get a vaporizer and her boyfriend got a SSV but the harassment continued. Cops at their door, etc. Eventually they moved out. What an asshole to treat neighbors like that. And I'm sure the wife is still without child....


Could have been worse. Could have been ecig juice paranoia - fear of second hand banana.
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