All Quartz Ball Vape?


New Member
Hi yall,
Ive been looking into getting an herb vape, ive tried the handheld and im not a big fan. Ive been seeing these ball vapes, but im not a fan of metal in contact with any hot vapor due to metals leaching out (see nickel and cadmium in stainless). Ive found the "DC Elev8R (Coil Driven Elev8R) by 7th Floor / Disorderly Conduction" which is all quartz EXCEPT theres a mesh screen holding everything in. I was wondering if anybody had any recs for a nail? Otherwise i might just get a injector passthrough and a 18mm hot knot with as much mass as i can find.
Any info/comments greatly appreciated :)
Many blessings.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Good call on the Quartz lotus. I believe the Qaroma is also all quartz. I have not yet tried either one.
What kind of coil does this hook up to? The image really isnt clear. This is exactly the kind of thing im looking for

Ideally you would use it with D-Nail UTHS. But I believe they sell a custom coil for $80 for it.


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
What kind of coil does this hook up to? The image really isnt clear. This is exactly the kind of thing im looking for

The pictures are a bit more clear and there’s a bit more info here:

The Victory version is based on this, D-Nail and Victory work very closely, often providing a budget option that is very similar (very) to the higher cost artisan pieces. Great work, good vibes.


Keep in mind the cannabis plant itself is known to uptake significant heavy metals from the soil, just like cacao and others.
Went down this path for at least 10 years lol.
In the end I found I was a bit over exaggerating the effect that one or two mesh screens makes on the experience. I find that most people who think they want all glass end up using a mesh screen for better herb filtration anyways.
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