All of out my favorite herb

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Well-Known Member
I've finally hit a dry week and have to wait a few days until I can re-up again :( what do you guys usually do when you've run out of bud and don't have access to any for whatever reason? I've tried putting ABV on toast and peanut butter, but I have a pretty high tolerance, so it hit me, just not as hard as I'd hope for. I have about 5gs of ABV so I'm not really sure what to do with it. I don't really have a kitchen to make more sophisticated edibles or oils, because I share a house and don't want it to smell. Any ideas what to do to hold me over for the next week? Thinking about just going cold turkey to lower my tolerance a little, but I haven't gone a whole week free in years and I tend to get very irritated and grumpy when I'm without.


Herbal Alchemist
I would take the opportunity to lower my tolerance. I haven't been out in years. I always re-up way before I even get low.


Vapeosaurus Rex
I would totally re-vape your ABV at higher temperatures :), i survived doing this for a few months. Obviously use more ABV than fresh herbs.. the taste isn't that great, but when it's all you got, it is better than nothing..

Or you could take advantage of the time and do a nice T-break while replacing vaping with exercise


What happened before you had MJ? I suggest some exercise as well and if needed maybe some herbal calming pills (dont remember how it is properly said in english) with valeriana or something mild to help with the grumpiness.
At the same time, you can revape some of it but it won't be the same and sometimes it gets me more on edge since i went through all that trouble and did not feel much. I rather save it for edibles when i find the proper time to do it.

To keep it simple, +1 on the t-break and some exercise, complemented with some calming pills if necessary.
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Well-Known Member
.....I tend to get very irritated and grumpy when I'm without.

Which is exactly the reason that you SHOULD go on a T-Break. It's great for not only lowering your tolerance, but you really want to try to get to the other side of that irritated, grumpy feeling. It's really a good thing to get through those addiction symptoms every once in awhile, if nothing else than to prove to yourself that you can.................doooooo eeeeet !!

Look at being without as an opportunity to challenge yourself, and as others have said, exercise is just magical at all the good things it does for your body and mind.


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
I agree with other folks. Even before I started vaporizing I took regular breaks--a week at a time was enough for me. I admit it was tough at first, but keep yourself occupied and it'll become routine for you. Plus you'll be high as fuck when you start vaping again! :freak:
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Great Scott!
I resort to real drugs to feel ok. That is not ok in my book, so I don't go without. I either get to be "addicted" to cannabis, or ADDICTED to prescription narcotics, or suffer. For me the choice is a no-brainer.

EDIT: I don't want to imply that resorting to prescribed drugs is bad, but for me the particular drugs prescribed are NOT truly safe for daily use. I save those as a last resort kind of emergency. Thanks to cannabis a 1 month supply has lasted over a year without more than 1-2 pills missing. I'm quite pleased with those results.


Well-Known Member
If you're vaping to feel 'normal', that's a bad thing unless you take it as an anti-anxiety/depression medication (or to treat some other diagnosed mental problem).

I've fallen victim to this myself several times, and although it sometimes takes me a while to come to the's better for my mental health to just take a break. A week is fine, I don't think anyone here will argue that the mild effects of weed withdrawal will last longer than that.

That's just my personal experience, though. Still, once your mental system is all 'flushed out', you'll be re-up'd and it'll be a grand 'ol time! :D

EDIT: Try 5-htp and omega-3 pills. I'm sure there's others but those are the big ones that have solid anecdotal evidence behind them. It'll help your grumpiness and they're good for you, too!


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll take this opportunity to lower my tolerance and take a break. Thanks everyone, I appreciate the suggestions.

Longbones, are there any side effects when one stops taking 5-HTP? I know some experience side effects during, but can't seem to find any after info. Any suggestions on brands or where to buy, whether local or online?


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I'm not the person to ask, pandawok. I could do the same searches, I'm sure, but I've only used 5-HTP a little bit (I'm terrible at taking my pills...I always have trouble forming the habit).

I know my mom has taken 5-HTP on and off, though, and she's never complained about it (and she's a worryer ;) ). I get the impression it's pretty mild too, and have read a few threads about it and never seen anyone complain about symptoms when they've stopped taking it.

Don't quote it for truth, but I wouldn't personally be concerned about side effects and I'm pretty health-conscious.


Well-Known Member
isn't 5-HTP a precursor for serotonin and so more a dietary suplement instead of a drug?


Well-Known Member
That's understandable, I'm the same way when it comes to forming a pill routine. I actually use to mix fish oil in with a lot of my stuff but eventually just stopped because I just forgot about using it I guess. From what I've read, 5-HTP works wonders for those trying to get off anti-depressants, which I refused to take when my doctor offered them.
isn't 5-HTP a precursor for serotonin and so more a dietary suplement instead of a drug?
Correct, I believe it's sold as a dietary supplement.

So far though, I haven't quite quit altogether, I've just been slowing down....a lot. I have about 1 or 2 ABV bowls a day topped with kif which is quite nice. Which is also a big drop from 6 or 7 bowls a day on average.
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