This is what I got out of an Alibaba seller claiming to have the Pax and Cera.
He or she knew the original Cera is made in the USA, and openly said it is a copy, not the original. He/She said the Pax was not made in the original factory, but what they said was one of their own. Neither are available now, with the Pax taking 2 weeks and the Not-A-Cera taking about a month to come into stock. Quotes were made at roughly $30 for the former and $50 for the later at wholesale.
We're all probably better off avoiding all this knockoff business. I'm not a scholar of the Pax thread, but I recall defective units and warranty replacements being discussed, so buying a unit for roughly $100 with no warranty seems like it's a bad bet when we have the proven MFLB, Solo, NO2, Flashvape and others floating around that price point.